Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] happen to be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Whales and dolphins are largely carnivorous , but feed mostly on much smaller creatures — fish , lobsters , krill , plankton and so on , depending upon the species and where they happen to be in the world 's oceans .
2 According to author Dr Eve Roman , ‘ it made no difference whether a woman worked on a VDU as part of her general day , whether she just used it occasionally or whether her only contact with a VDU was that it happened to be in the same room ’ .
3 This occurred on take-off one evening and I happened to be in the Met Office at the time .
4 I know Gilbert Racy and I happen to be on holiday in Hereward 's parish . ’
5 ‘ I guess I threw myself at you because of everything that had happened between Jonathan and myself ; I guess I was just looking for a diversion and you happened to be in the right place at the right time . ’
6 I know it 's not something that most of you are used to talking on a day to day basis , and if you go back to your workplace and you happen to be in a very male dominated workplace , it 's not necessarily gon na be the easiest thing to broach with your colleagues when you get back .
7 Madeleine was his sole reason for wanting to return to England — although naturally he 'd love to see Alice if she happened to be in London .
8 But there 's lots of wildlife around , if you happen to be in the right place at the right time , and not singing a Betty Boo number at the top of your voice .
9 IF YOU want to watch television around midnight on the Sabbath , and if you happen to be in a region where nothing less important has taken precedence , you can follow one of the most excellent science series of recent times .
10 Yvetot is the great butter market of the Caux country and provides a sight worth seeing if you happen to be in the district on a Wednesday morning .
11 However , if you happen to be in a situation where you are out for lunch , then you can happily have your dessert at lunch-time instead of that evening .
12 What they did at a branch on our district erm , again it was just like set up , people were given specific tasks , but at the end of the three month cycle , they 'd change some people , er , those people 's tasks so that they , so they would n't get stagnant , and plus , if one person was off , if you happened to be on holiday , you 've got somebody else that can do the job at the standard and not let the standard fall .
13 If you happened to be in Hyde Park on October 21st , you may have seen celebrities like Gloria Hunniford , Lyndsey De Paul , James Coburn and Roger Daltrey with spade in hand in aid of the Prince of Wales Trust ( they 're all devotees of Paul Mitchell products , I 'm sure ! ) .
14 On the other hand we are fortunate indeed if we happen to be in a business that is so secure that it is enough for us to make effortless decisions that never require us to do more than flow along with established patterns .
15 Long acquaintance with the clergy had convinced him that priests could not tell one layman from the next if they happened to be on their own administrative staff .
16 No , it was a piece I am very fond of and it happened to be in quite a few programmes at that time .
17 Although Uaru are not noted for equipment bashing , they have been known to move it gently aside , or even to spawn on it if it happens to be in their chosen spot .
18 Ben he spotted me on these occasions he invariably called out some mocking remark and if he happened to be with some of his cronies they all joined in the laughter at my expense .
19 The presence of a rival could blight his own prospects , and if he happened to be from the locality , then Owen O'Clery told himself he might as well be moving on immediately .
20 I 've been bald from a very early age , but I happen to be in the hairdressing industry and I travel all over the world teaching .
21 ‘ It was a hysterical scene — unless you happened to be in the housing offices at the time . ’
22 Unless , Robbie — testing potatoes with a fork — thought darkly , unless you happened to be in love with the person sharing your confinement .
23 is that traffic calming or is it town centre enhancement because it happens to be in the middle of the towns .
24 Or in fact you go to London because it happens to be in reverse
25 For instance , taking a semi-detached house worth £60,000 in Milton Keynes and a semi-detached house also worth £60,000 in Northampton , the household in Northampton would pay £88 more in tax simply because it happened to be across the regional boundary .
26 One of the richest made for Julius II later escaped the sack of Rome because it happened to be in pawn at the time .
27 All my pleasures will be solitary , even when I happen to be in company ; I shall not be exhilarated simply because the people around me are enjoying themselves , nor depressed because they are in low spirits .
28 ‘ Dr Grant was making a round when your call came through to the hospital , and as I happened to be on duty … ’
29 When he happened to be with me .
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