Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb mod] put [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Clothes were irrelevant … only flesh mattered to her where Damian was concerned , because she did not just want the hard , ambitious chairman of the board , but the man of flesh and blood whom she loved more powerfully than she could put into words , and only the silent communication of their bodies allowed her to express that love …
2 Only I think we 're happy that you can put in profligacy .
3 They like things satisfy the pragmatist if you can give them something that they can put in practice straight away o on the job in their job .
4 He landed eventually at Stabiae ( near the present Castellammare ) , where things were still fairly tolerable , and there he encountered a friend of his , one Pomponianus , who was making frantic preparations to escape , loading his possessions on to ships and fretting for a favourable wind so that he could put to sea .
5 If this is you and you 'd like some help or advice about interviews and application forms then call us on Nottingham four double one two double two and we 'll put in touch with A T O Training and if this is n't you if you 're not black or Asian and you would like some help then you can call us as well and we 'll try and find something for you .
6 ‘ After we 'd had a nice dinner together , we 'd go into Richard 's studio and we 'd put on music .
7 While I will put on Les Troyens , which is perhaps the greatest piece of audacity in the history of opera .
8 Residents had to wait a year before they could put in claims and it 's only now that they 're getting their offers through , based on the district valuer 's assessment of the value of their homes .
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