Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [be] meant to [be] " in BNC.

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1 That feeling that you are not where you are meant to be .
2 ‘ Miss Honey tells me that you are meant to be clever , too !
3 Most of all , although they were meant to be secret , these were secrets that were fairly indifferently kept ; if , indeed , they were kept at all .
4 I knew that they were sincere and above all that they were meant to be helpful .
5 He said and I do n't think that they were meant to be perhaps they were meant to be in order of importance .
6 They are gifts fit for a king , and so they are meant to be .
7 For a child of five this was a terrifying experience , although it was meant to be a birthday treat .
8 Am I right in supposing that one essential quality of poetry is that it is meant to be read aloud ?
9 Twoflower decided that it was meant to be a chuckle .
10 ‘ The saddest thing of all about it , ’ he says , ‘ is that it was meant to be the proudest . ’
11 And that he was meant to be carried out to sea . "
12 Do n't forget that for tonight at least you and I are meant to be lovers . ’
13 And I 'm meant to be on holiday .
14 and I was meant to be taking it in today , but I forgot and so I just
15 The last week 's rehearsal has been a virtual write-off , and you 're meant to be facing a preview audience on Monday . ’
16 And she 's meant to be here .
17 This woman/man is not my life , but if we are meant to be together , we will be .
18 ‘ I 'm not sure if we 're meant to be making this up or not , ’ muses Gordon .
19 ‘ I 'm not sure if we 're meant to be making this up or not , ’ muses Gordon .
20 There were hundreds of companies coming to us for funds and they were meant to be writing their business plans properly and cogently .
21 Fernando loved her and she loved him and they were meant to be together .
22 The grumbles of J. Alfred Prufrock in early Eliot are endurable if they are meant to be ridiculous , but only then ; and sitting around on Margate sands , or anywhere else , trying to connect nothing with nothing may be all right for Harvard men abroad , but ( as Eliot must already have discovered when he wrote The Waste Land ) it has nothing to do with the daily life of the Londoner .
23 Well , when Wyn had his stethoscope in his ears I wondered if they were meant to be him .
24 And he 's meant to be really hip shit , shit hot good .
25 It is the middle of the lambing season and he was meant to be lambing .
26 and it 's meant to be a really good production .
27 And if it 's meant to be a surprise attack , why are they making so much bloody noise ? ’
28 I 'm not sure if it 's meant to be a guitar cab or a bass cab , but it suits me .
29 If it 's meant to be a joke , Headmistress , I do n't think it 's a very funny one , ’ Miss Honey said from the back of the class .
30 He glanced up at Doyle to see if it was meant to be a joke , but Doyle was not smiling .
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