Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [be] agreed that the " in BNC.

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1 They insisted their four colleges have a spirit which was ‘ practical rather than academical ’ although it was agreed that the 254 places provided in the colleges were not enough by the end of the century .
2 What 's more , as soon as he heard of your problem , Direct Delivery 's manager immediately visited your home and , although it was agreed that the damage was purely accidental , as an act of goodwill toured the shops in Lisburn to try and find you a replacement .
3 I think all I think most of the other things I the only er one I I would like to raise is that it was agreed that the new committee should be recommended to appoint a press secretary .
4 ‘ Attention was called to the Company 's payment of £50 per annum to the Vicar of Stantonbury for managing these schools , seeing that they are about to be handed over to a School Board and it was agreed that the payment be continued as in respect of Sunday School management , but during the pleasure of the Board and to the present incumbent only ’ .
5 He returned it to the Society and it was agreed that the arrow would be retained from then on as the Papingo Trophy , with each winner adding a gold or silver medal bearing his name and the year of his success .
6 The Provisional IRA named the Andersonstown Co-Operative and two private building construction firms and it was agreed that the work would be in the Provisional-controlled Maynard Estate .
7 Warner v. Browne ( 1807 ) 8 East 165 there was an agreement to lease at a rent of £40 per annum and it was agreed that the landlord , W. Warner , should not raise the rent nor turn out the tenant ‘ so long as the rent is duly paid quarterly , and he does not expose to sale or sell any article that may be injurious to W. Warner in his business . ’
8 The minutes of the SGM held on the 4th May 1990 were read and it was agreed that the chairman sign them as a true record .
9 Thomas requested a postponement of the Senate vote so that the charges could be investigated , and it was agreed that the judiciary committee would hold three days of public hearings from Oct. 11 to 13 .
10 The letter was at pains to stress the parents ' involvement and their rights : ‘ If it is agreed that the Authority should determine the special educational provision for your child … your further rights under the Education Act 1981 will be explained to you . ’
11 Councillors said that the cost of such a project would be prohibitive , but it was agreed that the chairman , Roy Downham , should attend a meeting with the school .
12 The choice of a name caused some division of opinion but it was agreed that the word ‘ youth ’ should be used , and as the Merseyside group had publicized ‘ youth hostels ’ , this stuck .
13 Koffigoh held talks with President Gnasssingbe Eyadema on Sept. 2 , when it was agreed that the delayed constitutional referendum would take place on Sept. 27 , with local elections on Oct. 11 and two-stage legislative elections on Oct. 31 and Nov. 14 and the presidential poll , also in two stages , on Dec. 6 and 20 .
14 In 1984 , the Court of Session in Edinburgh ( Hay/Briton against Central Regional Council ) refused a 53 year old grandmother custody or access to her six year old grandchild , though it was agreed that the ‘ most significant relationship ’ the child had was with this grandmother .
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