Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [be] difficult [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So thin , in fact , that it was difficult not to share the view of Rogan Taylor , former chairman of the FSA , that the FA 's real motive was to restore Hillsborough 's status in support of their bid for the finals of the 1996 European Championship .
2 This is easeful music , and it is difficult not to like it .
3 Albania , however , definitely is a part of the developing world in the middle of Europe and it is difficult not to compare Albania with my previous experiences in Africa .
4 Occasional statistics sometimes throw light on the problem ; in 1875 Gladstone 's pamphlet on the Vatican Decrees sold 100,000 copies and it is difficult not to see in this a level of religious interest which later declined .
5 Its success will depend upon people believing that Mr Lamont knows what he was doing , and that his forecasts are reliable ; and it is difficult not to reflect that an alternative Chancellor would have had carried more conviction .
6 Hunt as the Surveyor to the Dean and Chapter of the Abbey must have been involved , and it is difficult not to assume that he had a conflict of loyalties in this transaction .
7 The façade is squat and heavy — the architect deliberately lowered it to allow a frontal view of the octagonal tiborium that surmounts the cupola — but it is difficult not to admire the effort that must have gone into it .
8 I think Mr Wright realises he has produced a piece of special pleading that does not wholly stand up , but it is difficult not to feel sympathy with his assertion : The past can not be changed , but what we make of it certainly can .
9 Perhaps the sea never crashed vigorously here but it is difficult not to think some vital force has been sucked from it .
10 She had her faults — she needed to be push-started and she had lost gears the way old people lose teeth — but it was difficult not to love her .
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