Example sentences of "[conj] [that] they do [not/n't] want " in BNC.

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1 Some of these children are saying that they are not black or that they do not want to be associated with other black people .
2 It is not as though we do n't want to love these innocent victims or that they do not want to be loved , but guilt and bitterness prevent it — the guilt of all parties .
3 When will the dogmatic Secretary of State for Scotland realise that the people of Scotland see NHS trusts as the thin edge of the wedge for privatisation of the health service , and that they do not want them ?
4 Does he share their view that they work hard for their money , that they pay quite enough tax and national insurance and that they do not want to see what would be the worst disaster for such businesses in future — an increase in income tax and national insurance , as proposed by the Labour party ?
5 Now all is quite clear in the consultations , certainly the one we have with the , the heads , whilst that they did n't want to continue the previous policy of expanding their tradition by increasing class sizes .
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