Example sentences of "[art] [adj] eye on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was n't a dry eye on the set when Toby , 27 , and Sara , 26 , announced they were going to get married .
2 Sean and Michael were there too , but they stood at the back looking usher-smart in new suits , and keeping a professional eye on the collecting plate .
3 ‘ It 's about one per cent , is n't it ? ’ asked Belinda , keeping a careful eye on the road as she drove .
4 He or she must be free to keep a careful eye on the operation of the analytical system and the data it produces .
5 Another had kept a continual eye on the grain trade by serving in a Red Army supply regiment and then managing a state grain-collecting centre .
6 My parents were from a long line of good people with a strong sense of duty , living at peace with their neighbours , quick to be helpful when it was in their power , understandably a little feudal in their outlook , with a cautious eye on the squire for whom they worked , liking a glass of beer or homemade parsnip wine , and not above a bit of rabbit poaching .
7 ‘ I will start work at once , ’ she said , casting a wistful eye on the Clarion Cry which she was leaving behind .
8 After a pious and seemingly untroubled Christian upbringing , he was duly confirmed in 1861 at the age of sixteen , but within a year was already casting a cold eye on the case for a " literalistic attitude " towards Christian doctrine and asserting that " the existence of God , immortality , the authority of the Bible , inspiration and other things will always remain problems .
9 And just as the MOD has chosen to let such production lines be closed down , rather than pay contractors for the cost of mothballing them , so too has it cast a cold eye on the plight of domestic defence electronics companies .
10 Towards the end of the eighth-century the Lombard kings began to cast a jealous eye on the remnant Roman Empire to the south .
11 A youthful eye on the future .
12 But , though it is heartening to find an Iranian writer bravely grappling with the problems of exile and turning a critical eye on the values of both his native and adopted countries , Mr Ataie will write better plays when he admits the theatrical importance of contradiction and argument .
13 It is possible to sequence learning in interdisciplinary contexts , but for some kinds of content-sequence it is undoubtedly much easier to keep a steady eye on the subject .
14 Now it was ready for another meal and was keeping a hopeful eye on the battlefield in case some appetizing Englishman or sepoy should fall conveniently near … but most of all it would like to eat Fleury , such was the power of its love for this handsome , green-clad young man ; it uttered a groan of ecstasy at the thought and a needle of saliva , dripping from its jaws , sparkled in the Collector 's telescope .
15 It is natural that a mother should regard her child 's health as a matter of the highest importance ; but Judith Holt believed that the Almighty should also keep a watchful eye on a bank of which her husband had become a director .
16 Here he is , keeping a watchful eye on the crowds at the Royal Priors shopping centre in Leamington Spa .
17 Adam turned his attention to Miranda 's other tender places and casually added , ‘ Perhaps you 'd better give Annabel a call , to reassure her that you 're keeping a watchful eye on the accounts .
18 Almost immediately the party was reconstituted , but this time Göring kept a watchful eye on the Danzigers .
19 Neville who oversees the zany stock-takes once a week keeps a watchful eye on the joke , gag novelty market .
20 Not only does it need to keep a constant lookout for the large hairy caterpillars that it prefers to eat ( particularly those of the magpie moth which other birds find distasteful ) , but it must also keep a close eye on the activities of potential hosts .
21 I always keep a close eye on the water quality with test kits .
22 It is the kind of area where keeping a close eye on the map is almost essential for peace of mind — asking the way could prove difficult , to say the least .
23 UNIDO will keep a close eye on the software , says Behrens .
24 Once a solicitor has been instructed by the applicant , it is evident from the files examined that the Commissioner keeps a close eye on the case , and is kept informed of all progress and developments by way of regular reports from the solicitor .
25 ANY golfer will tell you that you stand little chance of winning unless you keep a close eye on the scorecard .
26 Inside the government , he kept a close eye on the development of policy and frequently intervened to prod ministers in desired directions .
27 The aristocracy has kept a tight grip on ‘ the sport of kings ’ and the British royal family have kept a close eye on the Turf — the present Queen is a fine judge of a horse .
28 There were not so many lights and Endill kept a close eye on the Headmaster in case he became lost in the darkness .
29 It is wrong that people should be able to abuse the social security contribution system , and I hope that Ministers will keep a close eye on the matter because the smart people who offer advice may be looking for further ways of getting around the regulations .
30 Both have had a strong hedging and speculative demand due to the volatility of short interest rates , and they are connected by the fact that the authorities in the UK , as well as the market participants , keep a close eye on the differential between short rates in the two countries .
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