Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [be] consider to be " in BNC.

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1 Unless otherwise laid down in the constitution , the Chairman is considered to be a full member of the meeting and , therefore , has a vote that he can exercise as the other members do .
2 Up to then , the woodland was considered to be the precious part of the countryside , and was often fenced off to stop people getting in .
3 Within each layer , the components of the canopy are considered to be randomly distributed and homogeneously mixed . ’
4 Thus , the primary function of the university was considered to be the teaching of " the great cultural disciplines " .
5 Religion in the West is considered to be serious and solemn and without much humour .
6 Employment law provides employees with a range of rights including the right not to be unfairly dismissed , the right not to be subject to discrimination on the grounds of race or sex , and the right for women to receive the same pay as men if employed to do the same work or if the work is considered to be of equal value .
7 Where the purchase price is particularly low , the purchaser may be at risk if the acquisition from the vendor is considered to be a transaction at an under value within the meaning of the Insolvency Act ( IA ) 1986 , s238 .
8 The bible is considered to be inspired literature which is in some way normative for the religion .
9 The Alderney of the period was considered to be the best of all milch cows .
10 But when discovered it was assigned by its excavators to the late-third or early-fourth century ( Britannia VIII ( 1977 ) , 413 ) : a dating subsequently accepted by Neal ( 1981 , no. 63 ) and Swain and Ling ( Britannia XII ( 1981 ) , 168 : where the wall paintings from the same room as the mosaic are considered to be of late-third/early-fourth century date ) .
11 The neutropenia was considered to be autoimmune in view of the increased neutrophil-associated IgG and active myelopoiesis on bone marrow examination .
12 With the court finely balanced between liberals and conservatives ( the latter possessing a slight but unreliable majority ) the appointment was considered to be of crucial importance as it offered an opportunity to shift the balance decisively to the right .
13 In the orthodox view the illness is considered to be the sum total of the symptoms and signs which it produces .
14 The caecum was considered to be reached only if the light of the instrument was seen in the right lower quadrant , the base of the appendix was visualised , and the ileocaecal valve was seen .
15 The way in which forests are disappearing , land is becoming desert , erm food is not being grown in areas where it used to be grown , those are disasters , but what we 're talking about is the , the rather more sudden event which , which you know reaches a crescendo , even if it does take a long time to develop , like a famine , nevertheless the disaster is considered to be that point when perhaps thousands of people are in very desperate need of food .
16 the extent to which the report is considered to be ‘ judgmental ’ .
17 The list of hand movements and positions in kung fu is endless , since every part of the hand is considered to be a defensive weapon .
18 As Clark ( 1986 ) points out , the project was considered to be a failure in both technical and economic terms within 10 years of its inception , not least because of resulting poor drainage , increasing soil salinity and excessive silting .
19 Despite extensive flight testing and development , the project was considered to be uneconomical and was shelved in 1975 .
20 Unfortunately following the death of James IV at the Battle of Flodden , the ship was considered to be of little use and was sold to the French .
21 Ships sailing to India which were not directly owned or managed by the Company were considered to be permanently chartered to the Company , but the value of the charter to the vessel 's owners and officers was determined by the port to which it was sent , and that was a decision made by the Company .
22 writes down what the problem is considered to be ;
23 This was bought-in at £6 million at Christie 's on 15 April , largely because the estimate was considered to be too high for what one expert commented was ‘ an early , dark , Leyden-period picture , which is at variance with what people want and expect in Rembrandt .
24 The driving was considered to be unobstructed if there was no other vehicle immediately ahead in the film .
25 The creation of any company must be reported to the Companies Court ( registry ) within thirty days , otherwise the creation is considered to be void .
26 The total of the incoming moneys under DEDUCT RECEIPTS was deducted from the grand total of the various costs of the mine , and the balance was considered to be the Cost of Working .
27 However , the Bank may buy in a falling market if the market is considered to be erratic and unstable .
28 SGS-Thomson Microelectronics BV and Mitsubishi Electric Corp duly announced their agreement to work together on development of Flash memory chips , designing 16M-bit parts using a 0.5 micron CMOS process : the agreement is considered to be of equal value to both companies , so no financial compensation will be made by either ; SGS-Thomson has begun production of 1M Flash memories but no-one is doing 16Ms yet .
29 Therefore integration of the concept of social policy work into every course is considered to be the most effective way forward .
30 A wave was considered to be peristaltic if the interval between the onset of two pressure waves , recorded at adjacent points 5 cm apart , was more than 0.5 seconds ( corresponding to a progression velocity of less than 10 cm/s ) .
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