Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] around " in BNC.

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1 Check the post for true vertical , add a fence panel , then tip the remainder of the bag around the first post .
2 Thus the complexity of the universe around us and its details arose from the uncertainty principle in the early stages .
3 One story is told of drovers who , at the end of a long drive , having sold their cattle , would go to the beerkeller to celebrate , but before they did , they would tie the money from the sale around the dog 's neck , secure in the knowledge that no matter how drunk they became , their money would be safe until the morning !
4 One of these was my own brother who led the resistance in the countryside around Nantes . ’
5 With increasingly elaborate explorations being conducted into the establishing of texts , editors , even when acknowledging alternate readings , present impressive scholarly authority for creating an authorised version — the text on the page around which the variants and explanatory comments exist as supplemental scholia .
6 TV monitors were suspended from the roof of the stand to enable spectators to follow the progress of the race around the circuit , and she raised her eyes .
7 But then the meaning of her words , and the thickening of the silence around us , came home to me .
8 After 300 miles none of our testers reported any discernible wear or compression in either the midsole or the outsole , although one did report a slight separation of the midsole from the outsole around the heel .
9 The generating board is proposing that the part of the vessel around the coolant nozzle , where the cooling system joins the vessel , will be cast in separate parts .
10 She says here in Stanton Harcourt there 's been gravel working for more than 30 yearsand that means lorries , dust , noise and a general loss of amenity … so for a very long time people face the loss of the countryside around them .
11 Accordingly , the rhythmic compression of our leg-veins when we walk , or chest-veins when we breathe , turn these veins into little peristaltic pumps , aiding the circulation of the blood around the body .
12 If this principle is applied to the situation in Figure 9.6 then it is clear that as the parcel 's distance from the spin axis decreases then the speed of the parcel around the spin axis must increase .
13 The peculiar phosphorescent glow was the result of the atmosphere around the ship being highly-charged with static electricity , generated by the rush of the steam through the volcanic vent , and the friction between the myriads of fragmentary particles that were blasted up with it .
14 Starting in the early days of St Cuthberts with local delivery carts , there has been continuous use of this economical form of transport , through the heyday of the horse around the turn of the century , and the rapid change to motorized vehicles in the 1920s and 30s , to the hire carriages in use today .
15 Just as well , perhaps , for the coming of the railway around Morecambe Bay , ended Greenodd Port 's usefulness , and that of the Ulverston Canal ; while the branch line to Coniston in the 1860's put paid to the lake traffic .
16 The Lebanese air force had used its Hawker Hunters to attack Muslim positions in the sector of the capital around Fakhani .
17 The effect that this current has on the rest of the dendrite , and hence in due course the cell body , depends very much on the geometry of the region around the synapse ; biophysical calculations show that spine synapses are more effective than shaft synapses in spreading the current , and in any given spine , the current flow is dependent on its exact shape .
18 It is joined here by Kingsdale Beck which now gets an infusion of energy and turns away to earn acclaim as a principal contributor to the charm of the walk around the Ingleton waterfalls .
19 But , although massage alone wo n't work such miracles , in conjunction with a low-fat diet and plenty of exercise , it certainly helps in the battle of the bulge around problem areas such as your hips , thighs and bottom .
20 The influence of the landscape around Mont-Roig , in southern Catalonia , can be seen in many of the 180 paintings now assembled in Barcelona to mark the centenary of Miro 's birth .
21 The thickness of the barrier around a black hole is proportional to the size of the black hole .
22 Fourthly , Low " raised the question of the situation around Bleiburg " .
23 As long as I refuse to recognize my part in the fallenness of the world around me , I will never be a blessing to others .
24 An under-cook was supervising the cleaning of the stove around the cauldron and the preparation of fresh ingredients to replace those lost .
25 if he dared to predict , it was on the basis of the evidence around him .
26 The purpose of a sleeping bag is to insulate the body from the cold around it and to prevent heat from escaping .
27 But erm they 're tremendously curious about the nature of the world around them and they 're certainly capable of , if not understanding why , exploring what .
28 But erm they 're tremendously curious about the nature of the world around them and they 're certainly capable of , if not understanding why , exploring what .
29 William Latimer , who became Chamberlain in 1371 , was a figure of rather more political consequence and seems to have been regarded as the leader of the group around the king .
30 The eccentricity of the material around the Earth is the result of the oblique viewpoint .
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