Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] themselves " in BNC.

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1 The few indigenous listeners availed themselves of community sets provided at chief 's courts and administrative centres .
2 With political change , the established constitutional authorities find themselves in a situation where they are forced to come to terms with new and emerging patterns of political power and practice that are outside ( but pressing in on ) the established constitution that is supposedly made sense of through their theories .
3 They had also spent the previous six weeks familiarising themselves with the country , getting to know especially the lie of the rivers , which would become torrents after the heavy rain that fell in the afternoon and at night during many months of the year , while the same river beds higher up the hills could be dry at times .
4 The flames which belched from every opening caused the two struggling men to fling themselves flat on the ground to escape their scorching blast .
5 On hearing this , the two royal princes prostrated themselves in the doorway of the throne room and pressed their foreheads to the floor tiles in a reverent attitude .
6 Now there is no guarantee that a career actually exists and Equity are not making it all any easier for the new young actors to establish themselves .
7 Labour leaders had done well over the past few years to present themselves in Washington as solid members of the alliance and as social democrats more than socialists .
8 It was to be 24 days before the last hard-core protesters gave themselves up .
9 They spent the next few minutes getting themselves and the canoe off the water .
10 As well as causing a breakdown in the economic system , the inflation led to a spread of corruption ; it meant humiliation for many thousands of families , whilst a few successful speculators found themselves with untold wealth .
11 A simple fade-to-black ( a common technique used in the Sixties ) gives the artists a few vital seconds to reposition themselves before the fade-up suggests action happening the following morning .
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