Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] can be identified " in BNC.

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1 In so far as the typical client can be identified from the survey information , he is likely to be a male owner-occupier aged between 25 and 34 and be himself a member of the professional or employers and managers socio-economic group .
2 Without seeming too deterministic , it would appear then that at least two dimensions in the curriculum-deviance link can be identified in terms of gender .
3 With respect to the first point , none of the activity-no instances- can be identified with ordinary perception , plain seeing , which consists in activity in a plainer sense , having to do with ordinary things .
4 before the optimum solution can be identified .
5 Montage by Graham Rawle Button up a package deal THE SEASONED traveller can be identified at check-in by a conspicuous absence of specially designed leisure clothes festooned with pockets , zips and velcro .
6 By endoscopy the nature of the bleeding site can be identified and the operation planned accordingly .
7 This phrase is a clue , becoming a means whereby adherents of the same movement can be identified .
8 It is very convenient , for the presentation of historical accounts , when a specific date can be identified as a watershed .
9 In extreme cases , no such band can be identified , and purity must be determined by other methods .
10 This means that a dominant rat can be identified by its call , and so a rat colony can maintain its hierarchy without unnecessary fighting .
11 Their ‘ Metropolis ’ of 1991 on the other hand , also in Berlin , is generally thought not have succeeded in pointing the way for the decade , probably because the art scene is much more fragmented now and no single trend can be identified .
12 A particular voltage can be identified at which a transition from the behaviour of ( a ) to that of ( b ) occurs .
13 A white-fronted goose can be identified by the small white blaze on its face at the base of the bill .
14 The components of a chemical compound can be identified and their concentrations measured , but unless it has already been proved that the particular component identified is odorous at the concentration encountered , such measurements will have little evidential value in proving the odour complained of either does or does not amount to a nuisance at law .
15 A third complex can be identified on the aerial photographs in the south-east quarter , served by a lane from the north-south cross-street .
16 However , the bundling , or ‘ fasciculation ’ of axons travelling to similar destinations is a widely observed phenomenon , and in some species at least all of the axons in an individual fascicle can be identified by a unique monoclonal antibody ( Journal of Neuroscience , Vol 3 , p 369 ) .
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