Example sentences of "[art] [noun] needed for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The rules needed for this type of parser are difficult to develop for a large grammar .
2 No man is an island ; no smallholder can possibly find the time or produce all the skills needed for complete self-sufficiency .
3 The Doctor of Business Administration focuses on the skills needed for senior levels of management , management consultancy , management development and education .
4 The skills needed for this kind of work are almost certainly totally alien to the average businessman .
5 They are the strengths needed for any government to succeed , and let no-one doubt , either in our nation or abroad , that we , the Conservative Party , have the strength to succeed .
6 However the data needed for this index , especially parity data on illegitimate births , are not routinely available , and its calculation demands a number of assumptions .
7 Just as collaborative activity is difficult in a traditionally arranged classroom , so the concentration needed for individualized tasks may be difficult within a group .
8 The roles needed for this kind of plot , then , are Hypocrite , Dupe , and Exposer .
9 An abridged version of the Longman Dictionary of Business English ( q.v. ) , specially written for students in commercial and vocational schools and which covers all the vocabulary needed for day-to-day office and business practice .
10 Although this book can give you ideas , general hints and tips on how to press and arrange flowers , it is not until you really start designing pictures for yourself that you will have mastered the skill needed for this craft .
11 A friend can be invaluable in helping you to establish and recognize the loudness needed for ordinary conversation in quiet circumstances .
12 This is partly because of the size of the corpuses needed for syntactic analysis and partly because of the accuracy required in the transcript , which has to be input in computer-readable form .
13 But it is still too slow to cope with the quantities needed for industrial-scale separation .
14 Repeating the verbal descriptions is specially important for the patient with perceptual and speech difficulties , as it helps him to become familiar with the planning needed for each item of clothing .
15 The UK has only 6,200 hectares of undamaged peat bogs , 38 per cent less than official guidelines suggest is the minimum needed for effective conservation .
16 It 's a full relational database with the capacities needed for heavy-duty work : 255 fields per record , 16 million records per table , 2,000 tables or 32 million records per database .
17 Each memory block is called a ‘ bit plane ’ , and supplies one of the bits needed for each pixel .
18 A second has been the creation of new technologies that have altered the scale needed for efficient operation .
19 Indeed it is possible to circumvent the argument that the cadavers needed for educational purposes involve substantial extra killing since tissue is regularly collected from abattoirs or from research laboratories where the animals have been used in licensed procedures .
20 It is impossible for Jarrow to raise the 80 per cent or the amount needed for new schools ; so the children will continue to suffer … .
21 In particular , if an assessor is not accepted as a peer by those assessed , then the information needed for objective evaluation may be withheld , distorted , or presented in a manner which can lead to unbalanced views and impaired judgements .
22 While this may be seen primarily as a defensive kind of action , involving much routine work by civil servants who are required to produce the information needed for parliamentary answers , it may also provide opportunities for publicizing new policy initiatives .
23 The information needed for this part of the investigation will be drawn partly from the postal survey , and also from a series of interviews with firms in each of the three countries .
24 How does this compare with the precautions needed for other file organizations ?
25 Mr. Macdonald spoke of the methods used for making the prints , the shading required , the need for softer grades of paper and the treatment needed for cracked negatives .
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