Example sentences of "[art] [noun] of [pron] eye [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She dabbed the corner of her eye with a black-edged handkerchief .
2 Agnes looked at Sadie out of the corner of her eye without turning round .
3 Wait a minute — out of the corner of my eye at Temple Meads Station , when I 'd blinked away the vision of Mum swallowing mud , I 'd seen a sign on the window of the buffet : Vacancies .
4 I glance out of the corner of my eye towards Dixie .
5 We lie together beneath the crumpled warm sheet , and a tear trickles from the corner of my eye as if Jancey was dead .
6 After a few touch-and-goes I was able to clean-up slickly : throttles carefully forward a couple of inches at main-wheel touch ( no automatic fuel control below 16,000 rpm ) , hold the nose-wheel an inch or two off the tarmac and retract the airbrakes ( thumb switch up for speed-up ) , a bit more throttle , flaps to fifteen ( toggle switch on side console forward — do n't even contemplate touching that too-obtrusive up-and-down flap-shaped undercarriage selector in the corner of you eye on the panel ahead ) , more power , the roar deepens with a steady push from behind , glance at the ASI , full throttle , speed building through ninety , rotate , positive climb , gear up , speed 120 , flaps up speed 170 , crank on the bank and we are downwind again .
7 A scar ran from the corner of his eye to under his jawbone , and his tattooed arms rested on the desk in front of him , which was covered with mementoes of his Legion career .
8 They were all Altun family retainers of long standing — men whose first and only concern would be to protect the interests of the Kha-Khan — and Burun watched them out of the corner of his eye in case it occurred to Nogai to send Sipotai warning .
9 Her attraction had only grown ; he found himself trying to smell her hair when they sat together in pubs , he gazed out of the comer of his eye at her breasts under whatever jumper or T-shirt she was wearing , wanting to touch them .
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