Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [be] [verb] all over " in BNC.

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1 The first 20 live closest to the hospital that is to do the transplant , the next 20 are somewhat further afield and the remainder are scattered all over the country .
2 The truck was skidding all over the autobahn , skating over the ice-rink surface .
3 Though Jackson was the first to congratulate Olympic champion McKoy , the disappointment was written all over his face .
4 Though Jackson was the first to congratulate the Olympic champion , the disappointment was written all over his face .
5 Though Jackson was the first to congratulate the Olympic champion , the disappointment was written all over his face .
6 By 3 p.m. , the explosions were so loud that they were audible 240 kilometres away ; by 5 p.m. they were so stupendous that the sound was carrying all over Java .
7 Here the usual export formalities occur before the guitars are shipped all over the world .
8 However the cry was raised all over the floor : " They 've removed their team leader " Some thirty young dealers applauded the courage of these two .
9 I am happy to add my voice to that of the hon. Gentleman to ensure that the facility is understood all over the country .
10 The impact is felt all over the profession and not just by the larger firms .
11 ‘ You 're still listening to a bad PA , the music 's blowing all over the place , people are crashed out in the mud … it 's exactly the same ! ’
12 But the furniture is made all over the place although 's our best maker and he 's up in Scotland .
13 The conversation was hopping all over the place like a dakkabug on a griddle .
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