Example sentences of "[prep] behalf of [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They may be used to prevent a reference to an expert after that date , in which case an existing determination , made by or on behalf of one of the parties but not accepted by the other , may have to stand .
2 ‘ The Lead Organization ’ shall mean Oxford University Press which , acting on behalf of all of the Parties , shall be responsible for all communications with IEATP , shall receive any grant offer from the Secretary of State and shall act as Project Manager for the carrying out of the Project .
3 Whether they would have been swayed by representations on behalf of any of the parties one knows not , but it is a defect in the proceedings which strengthens the application on the part of the local authority for reconsideration of the justices ' decision .
4 Admittedly , they are training on behalf of some of the smaller firms , but it is in the interests of the industry .
5 The key submissions came from the IFMA and a joint submission from the Royal Bank of Scotland on behalf of most of the major institutions including the and .
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