Example sentences of "[prep] making a [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Williamson 's advice to the organizational designer is to operate in a discriminating way , that is only after making a comparative assessment of the costs of using one organizational form rather than another .
2 They only fought in order to protect somebody else ( ‘ like one of the younger kids who 's getting smashed up ’ ) but were clearly very capable of making a good job of it .
3 Alternatively , they may continue to worry about their initial error of judgement instead of making a revised plan of action to get into a good position for the base leg and approach .
4 This had been doubly hurtful , for it meant that she not only did not want to work for and look after him but preferred his lifestyle to her own , and by implication ( for she was a lazy woman ) that meant that she considered what he did not to be work at all , merely a pleasurable means of making a great deal of money .
5 There 's always the possibility of making a terminal ass of yourself , is n't there ? ’
6 Now , the NHS in Wales shows every sign of making a half-decent fist of the Government 's shake-up , whatever its merits , while England stumbles on blindly and hastily .
7 This skill relies on the human ability to consider information and constraints from a variety of knowledge sources to arrive at a ’ solution ’ to the ’ problem ’ of making a plausible interpretation of some arbitrary handwriting marks on a page .
8 Initial research work at Oxford United 's ground consisted mainly of making a large number of video-recordings of fans in the London Road End .
9 The Course also goes a long way to accommodate the not uncommon student experience of making a mistaken choice of degree subject .
10 Listing particulars are required to contain all such information as investors and their professional advisers would reasonably require and reasonably expect to find in them for the purpose of making an informed assessment of the assets , liabilities , financial position , profits , losses and prospects of the issuing company and the rights attaching to its securities .
11 This will , however , still leave open the possibilities of using ‘ fringe ’ media to fill in gaps in the campaign or , indeed , of making an imaginative use of an alternative medium which would otherwise be discarded .
12 It seemed especially designed to give weight to his ineptitudes , lending a ridiculous dignity in space to what he had screwed up , like making a free-hanging sculpture of a broken egg-whisk .
13 Oxford 's experience in making a major shift of data-processing infrastructure in 1980–81 gives us some ‘ feel ’ for what would be involved .
14 Previously he had been engaged in making a geological map of Devon and he now continued this work in an official capacity .
15 Rather , it seems preferable that , in making a general assessment of the quality of life of a particular old person , some attempt be made to examine the negative and positive aspects of the relationships which they presently experience .
16 Another form of sun-clock employing the direction rather than the length of the sun 's shadow was the sundial , but the Egyptians who invented it were far from understanding the subtleties involved in making an accurate instrument of this type , which must be calibrated for the latitudes of the different places where it is to be used .
17 The only thing which stopped him from making an outright proposal of marriage was the knowledge that he had no security to offer whatsoever .
18 " At first , " John went on , obviously bent on making a clean breast of everything , " at first when I tell him you a whore , he do n't believe me , so I got to make him believe .
19 Fabia owned that the idea of getting that interview done — hopefully without making a complete hash of it — and then heading straight back for Ostend had tremendous appeal .
20 It is such a landmark that it seems a shame to let it pass without making a permanent reminder of this important occasion .
21 An e-mail message back to the participants , however , can record those decisions ‘ in writing ’ without making a big issue of it .
22 In the end Japan avoided $500 million a year in duties without making a single concession of its own .
23 After referring to a section of the relevant Customs Act which was said to give an importer an opportunity to obtain his goods without making an irrevocable payment of the duty claimed O'Connor J. continued , at p. 277 :
24 At this early stage in your video career , do n't worry too much about making a complete record of the day .
25 A rival cheetah that does n't have such big leg muscles may not run quite so fast , but it has resources to spare for making an extra lot of milk and therefore perhaps rearing another cub .
26 High standards of accuracy become important if the investigator is going to employ sophisticated methods of analysing the flight recording , such as making a double integration of the vertical acceleration recording to obtain an accurate description of the shape of the flight-path perpendicular to the pitch attitude .
27 A man who deals with animals all day is certain to get a little blood about him , but it was worth making a mental note of it .
28 If consent were not successfully produced and reproduced , this could ultimately affect the condition and prospects of the economic base , not least by making a great deal of difference to the likely success of the revolutionary struggle .
29 And Mr Mitsotakis may now be tempted to recover votes lost over Macedonia by making a premature relaxation of his correctly rigorous economic policy .
30 If you are in temporary accommodation and do not accept the tenancy , this provision will cease as the council , by making a reasonable offer of permanent accommodation , will have discharged its responsibility to you under the provisions of the Housing Act 1985 , Part III and you will have to make your own arrangements for housing yourself and your family .
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