Example sentences of "[prep] about [adj] [noun] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After about two months ' work on the picture , including four days ' shooting , Ronald Neame — a veteran cinematographer , producer and director of British films — left , claiming too much interference from Zanuck .
2 The cash was the equivalent of about two years ' salary for the education director , Frank Pignatelli .
3 The grounds of the appeal were that ( 1 ) the judge had erred in law in holding that the plaintiff had at common law a cause of action in negligence against the defendants arising out of physical injury suffered by her before her birth and whilst still an embryo of about six weeks ' gestation en ventre sa mère and ( 2 ) the judge ought to have held that no cause of action was recognised at common law in favour of a living plaintiff in respect of physical injury suffered antenatally .
4 A clear disparity exists between the guideline in England and Wales of 20-plus years ' imprisonment and the practice in Northern Ireland of about 13 years ' imprisonment before murderers of soldiers and policemen are released .
5 But much more detailed and as a result not only of about twelve days ' training which we 've undertaken in that area with the management team , or various of them , but also of our experience over the last eighteen months in operating it .
6 recommended that the procedure is applied to spontaneous speech samples of about 30 minutes ' duration , although there is no reason why this should not be varied .
7 Yet even in the eleventh century there was something artificial in William the Conqueror 's notion of dividing England into about 6,000 knights ' fees .
8 ‘ This is all very fascinating , ’ said Wilcox , looking at his watch , ‘ but I 've got a meeting in here in about five minutes ' time , with my technical manager and his staff . ’
9 Mr Chairman I 'm , I 'm a little bit concerned about er number two er there 's something that is , we promised to reply straightforward written enquiry with without sort of commenting on whether it 's two weeks , two days , or whatever , I am a little concerned that some of the replies people show me that have had from Highways Department , erm , they really whoever writes them do n't go into any detail , I 've had , I 've seen letters recently where , where somebody said it will be dealt with in about four weeks ' time , well that 's okay , maybe they 've good and valid reasons why about four weeks is about right for their particular problem , but they do n't know why it 's gon na take four weeks , they say oh god they should be able to do that in a couple of days there 's no problem it 's an easy little job , I , I feel that the , our officers when they reply they should give some amount of detail and if they give a time span in which they 're gon na put something right , they should say why it 's gon na take that long .
10 in about six months ' time
11 and then if that 's okay with you I 'll come back in about two weeks ' time and
12 Then in about two weeks ' time we come to the carol service .
13 The 9,714 teacher-days spent in this way during the school year 1988–9 ( a threefold increase since 1985–6 ) reflect a very substantial investment of human and material resources , although it should be added that with about 2,400 primary teachers in the Authority the figures represent a rise from an average of only just over one day 's provision per teacher in 1985–6 to about four days ' provision in 1988–9 .
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