Example sentences of "[prep] a long line [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Adams ' report , one of a long line of studies , expert groups , advisory committees and internal and external task forces that have looked at Super-SARA , declared that the project was still viable if it got an immediate go-ahead .
2 She was the latest of a long line of girlfriends , drawn for the most part from the upper reaches of the aristocracy , who had appeared on his romantic horizon .
3 Part of the reason why the shareholders had to wait so long for a return was that the original capital had been only 10,000 guineas , and the Company financed itself by fairly short-term loans from the merchants with which it did business , so the shareholders stood at the end of a long line of creditors but could expect substantial returns on their money in the end if the Company survived .
4 That had been when he was made known to Robert Asshe , Dinah 's father , heir of a long line of actors .
5 Mike Gatting , first of a long line of England captains in 1988 .
6 The retirement of Sergeant Merrey marked the end of another era — not only the departure of a friend and character , but the last of a long line of School Sergeants going back to the appointment of Sgt. Sash in 1888 .
7 Islam teaches its adherents that the prophet Mohammed was the last of a long line of prophets who proclaimed the one true God .
8 Proud of being a member of a long line of parson–naturalists stretching back to John Ray and Gilbert White [ qq.v. ] , he saw his contributions to science as an extension of his work as a priest .
9 Upon baptism this king took the Christian name of Abraham — perhaps because he hoped to be the father of a long line of kings associated with Frankish power .
10 Pinnacle , based in Columbus , Ohio , had originally planned to use the Texas Instruments Inc 64-bit SuperSparc that Sun is using in its latest workstations , but realised some time ago that it was waiting at the back of a long line of manufacturers queuing for a trickle of SuperSparcs being thrown their way .
11 The argument for the adoption of national spatial policies was persuasive , the latest of a long line of advocacy for a programme of urban rebuilding which would consciously reconstruct older areas to different patterns .
12 Dustin was one of a long line of candidates being screen-tested in a ten-minute scene with Katharine Ross .
13 He conveys with a sure sense of atmosphere and detail the satisfaction of getting a job done , the feeling of being within a tradition of a long line of settlers of the land , and the sheer hard work which that entails : from persuading recalcitrant committees to support his endeavours to the literally back-breaking labour of dragging obstinate lumps of bog oak out of the peat to facilitate ploughing .
14 I think it was just the final end of a long line of demands that he 'd been making .
15 His father King Henry II was a Frenchman from Anjou , the descendant of a long line of counts who had ruled Anjou for two hundred and fifty years .
16 At least , this was the opinion of Dugdale , writing a hundred years later ; but it should be remembered that he was one of a long line of propagandists for land drainage , and that , while localized deterioration must have taken place , there is also ample evidence of the activities of the courts of sewers and of individual enterprise by secular landlords .
17 However their peace is short-lived when they meet the charming Nick Buckley , the last of a long line of Buckleys inhabiting ‘ End House ’ , which is poised in isolation on a rocky point visible from the hotel .
18 She instanced her of a long line of lagers , I consumed three Waistwatchers , two Seckburgers , an American Way and a double order of Tuckleberry Pie .
19 The more fortunate cluster together , striding out down the windy front past a long line of protesters , the disenchanted who , with banners in support of some unspeakable cause , line the entrance to the building , their passivity guaranteed ( at the poll-tax-payers ' expense ) by half-a-hundred provincial policemen .
20 In winter that walk back home must have been hell : sleet , rain , snow and ice blowing across the moss , wet clothes clinging to chilled skin and ahead and behind a long line of miners ' lanterns " bobbing like glowworms in the dark " .
21 The common language here is ‘ ASCII , comma-delimited ’ which simply means that the data fields in each record have commas stuck between them and are sent out as a long line of text with a carriage return indicating the end of the record .
22 The general pattern is very distinctive , with a long line of stars extending from Gamma through Beta and the fainter stars Epsilon ( 3.5 ) and Zeta ( 4.1 ) .
23 His father came from a long line of bone-setters in Anglesey , but by the middle of the nineteenth century medical opinion was becoming increasingly hostile to these unqualified practitioners , and Evan Thomas sent all of his five sons to study medicine at Edinburgh University .
24 ‘ Perhaps I come from a long line of knights and no-one ever told me .
25 My first ambition was to be a concert pianist , but I come from a long line of actors and I suppose it was inevitable really that I 'd follow them .
26 If you come from a long line of octogenarians , then clearly you will need to work out the sums on the basis of the next 20 years or longer .
27 Coming from a long line of seafarers , Mr Nelson has been running a pleasure cruise business for many years , taking would-be sailors out on fishing and boating trips .
28 From a long line of tradition in adidas shoe manufacture comes the Tennis Stabil and the Tennis Lite .
29 This family comes from a long line of fishermen … now unable to float their boats in the silted up harbour except at high tide they catch hardly enough to feed themselves .
30 But each individual foster-parent is descended from a long line of ancestors many of whom never encountered a cuckoo in their lives .
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