Example sentences of "[prep] a line [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When the lossless line is short circuited so that the input impedance is apparently Under open-circuit loading , that is , when , the input impedance becomes Combining equations ( 9.92 ) and ( 9.93 ) gives from which it is apparent that the values of Z k and β can be determined for a line from measurements of and .
2 He became a great favourite at Versailles , where he demonstrated his tactics by breaking through a line of courtiers by the use of his fists and elbows .
3 With a line of shrubs before you and a sandy bank behind .
4 Some 30 metres left is a weird and wonderful group of stalactites — some grotesquely gargoyle , others forming a perfect , elongated gothic arch — with a line of bolts up the middle .
5 The literal approach to construction has been most consistently and in our view , most erroneously applied in a line of cases concerning general medical practitioners .
6 Deirdre Bair is the most recent in a line of scholars including Lisa Appignanesi , Claude Francis and Fernande Gontier , Jane Heath , and Toril Moi .
7 The Scrutiny Committee ( the Joint Select Committee on Statutory Instruments ) , latest in a line of successors to a House of Commons select committee first appointed in 1944 , is a committee of 14 ( 7 MPs and 7 peers ) , any 2 of whom constitute a quorum .
8 Hard-working farmers and country people do n't always have time to appreciate the beauty in a line of animals on the move .
9 I 've been to Newark on a Friday night and stood in a line with others on a night shift at a w wooden hut in the yard whilst a clerk from the pay office came to meet us , the day shift finishing at er , say five o'clock .
10 Like their close relatives , the early millipedes , the insects rely on tracheae , the system of tubes opening to the outside by a line of spiracles along the flank and running to every part of the body .
11 No coherent explanation was given as to why demonstrators , running away from the confrontation at one end of Duke Street , were met by a line of police barring their way at the other .
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