Example sentences of "[prep] a couple [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I need you to cover me fer a couple of hours at th'most .
2 After a couple of moments of deep breathing , the giddiness receded .
3 After a couple of glasses of champagne and a hamburger , and under the influence of my friends ' euphoria , I cheered up .
4 Mind you few customers are likely to care what they 're eating after a couple of glasses of Mulsum : Salute .
5 Funnily enough , I felt better after a couple of pints at a pub in Maida Vale ; you know , the trendy one among Guardian readers which has the really stupid long name and brews its own beer in the cellar .
6 After a couple of decades of comparative calm , the names of Armstrong and Elliot began to reappear in familiar practices .
7 After a couple of hours of observing in these conditions , shapes and objects in front of me appeared to move , if I stared at them for too long .
8 I could see Dad was worried so after a couple of hours of hanging about I offered to return to Mary 's .
9 With the main outage completed and the holiday season pressure easing , TOP Team activity is gathering momentum at Torness after a couple of months in the doldrums , writes Executive Support Manager Mervyn Jenkins .
10 The relay will usually free up after a couple of doses of light oil in this manner .
11 After a couple of weeks with her sisters , I heard the false note not just in her accent , but in her voice as well .
12 But after a couple of weeks around Cardiff and Southampton docks — where there was a similar dry-dock to the battleship dock at St Nazaire — they could each carry out almost every demolition in under 10 minutes .
13 In contrast to the management of a couple with problems in their relationship , different therapeutic needs are posed by the patient who has suffered the break-up of a relationship .
14 There is the option of a couple of hours for shopping in Kidderminster , or a short talk on the construction and restoration of railway goods vehicles .
15 From Gmünd eastwards to Horn and south to Krems was only a matter of a couple of hours through some lovely , fertile valleys , brilliantly green in their spring foliage .
16 I feel like a worker in Stalinist Russia denouncing his comrades but I say , ‘ Well , I thought of a couple of friends of mine … ’
17 From where I 'm sitting ( in a Paris café as it happens , pal , limbering up for the days 500cl — I mean 500 word slog ) , a rest in that sense would take the form of a couple of shifts in a Bolivian tin mine — and Club Med do n't fly there .
18 Even with the other symptoms , the loss of a couple of pounds in a week seemed fine .
19 So what I 'd like you to do if you just turn to page one sort of a couple of pages in the first one that 's numbered .
20 Forces conspire to push you onto the arête itself at the point where the overlap is reached , although good protection can be arranged to ease the passage of a couple of moves up the gently overhanging right wall of the buttress .
21 So , taking account of the polonium , local people relying mainly on local milk , meat and vegetables could expect doses over a period of a couple of years of about 4 to 15 rems ; more incidentally , than people at Hiroshima within 2 km of the bomb .
22 It did occur because the depression was so er , was so long erm , but by and large , farmers do n't go out of , do n't cease erm , production just because of a couple of years of er , poor harvests or low , low prices .
23 And after a matter of a couple of years of use , er the service had already been curtailed , from nine trains down to five per day , erm and er shortly the passenger service was completely withdrawn .
24 I knew she had no morals to speak of and would go out with anyone who had the price of a couple of drinks on him and was n't too fussy about where he spent the night , and I thought these facts would surely be obvious to any casual passer-by .
25 You can always look back and say " What if " , but we must remember that we got ourselves out of a couple of scrapes on last two days and for a time we looked absolutely terrible , but we turned it around and could have won .
26 It was just why I 'm I mean wi the last meeting we had , took me sort of three pages to write what we 've got to do and each item that we 've got to do is sort of a couple of sheets of A four .
27 As an admission that , yes , they did go into a bit of a decline , the band has even included re-recorded versions of a couple of songs from their last album , No Place Like Home , a record whose only purpose appears to have been ‘ to keep things ticking over ’ .
28 Have you any idea of the cost of running that place , compared to the cost of a couple of rooms in a nursing home ? ’
29 So why do n't we both get back to work now , instead of nattering on like a couple of housewives over the garden fence ? ’
30 I 'm not the most diplomatic man in the world , and we began a slanging match like a couple of kids from the ghetto . ’
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