Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] in [art] corner " in BNC.

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1 She found a pair of stockings , passed her hand through to check for runs , discovered a small one near the heel and dabbed it with the bar of soap to hold it ; put on her two-tone coffee and cream high-heel shoes , then looking close in the mirror , applied some eyeliner with the flick of a tail in the corner and painted pale lipstick on her mouth .
2 Her friend , Rosie Fortinbras , always getting lost between the Pinacoteca and the Duomo in Siena , boasted of having kissed her way round all the waiters in the restaurant in the Piazza del Campo , saving for the last , like a favourite soft creamy centre , little Vittorio with the face of a page-boy in the corner of an Adoration of the Magi .
3 She noticed one of the wooden struts on the opposite wall had snapped off leaving an aperture the size of a football in the corner of the car .
4 It was right because he was rich and confident enough to introduce Mary Rose to his terrible clod of a brother and his wife , and to Mammy , who was old and senile and sat like a statue in a corner by the kitchen fire .
5 The sons with their wives had the rooms , and the mother slept on a wide divan behind a curtain in a corner of the courtyard .
6 But Dzagnidze then followed his own kick for a try in the corner , and Mironov swept through for a try that Dzagnidze converted .
7 Fallon still had a bit of work to do , even then , but he had already bumped off Perrins and Hannaford with one uncompromising run and this time his strength buried the rest of the Gloucester defence and took him over for a try in the corner .
8 My skin crawled , and I shivered a bit as I stood there , desolate as a child in a corner .
9 Benjamin rose and , slipping his arm through mine , led me back to the garden , teasing me into a good mood as he explained how he had found Waldegrave drunk as a lord and insensible as a rock in a corner of his opulent chapel .
10 Alex Graham brought Armagh back into the match at 20-18 with a try in the corner after a clever kick ahead by James Scott .
11 Balmoral 's is particularly homely , with a fishing-rod in a corner and a tea-tray in waiting , complete with almond cake .
12 The corporate communiqué can be set out on anything from regulation A4 paper with a staple in the corner , to grandiose box presentations containing ‘ sampler ’ cassettes or compact discs previewing the alleged highlights of a forthcoming release .
13 Whitlock shoved him back onto a tarpaulin in the corner of the warehouse and scooped up the Browning .
14 Her bare feet padded across the polished terracotta tiles to the bottles lined along a shelf in the corner .
15 I picked up a pair of combat boots from a pile in the corner , found some laces , and looked at the other people wondering with whom I could swop my uniform .
16 The stage was empty but four of the dancers — two old hands , two new sat in a huddle in the corner by the bar , dressed in their practice motley and trading stories about bad managements and past physiotherapy .
17 Hunched in a coat in a corner
18 The nurse pointed to a bed in the corner where Sigarup would sleep , and another , next to it , for Kānchho Ba .
19 When he 'd recovered , he went to a suitcase in a corner of the room and took out a T-shirt to use as a swab .
20 He looked over my shoulder at Mr Saleb who was talking to a colleague in the corner .
21 He got up and went across to a bureau in the corner furthest from the fire , returning a moment later with a folder which he handed to the T'ang .
22 Her husband , who has been ill recently , was hustled off to a chair in the corner .
23 Uncle Bill let out a yell and kicked him away , then he snapped on Captain 's lead and tied him to a chair in the corner of the kitchen .
24 She tweaked the pale blue hat she was wearing with a look of satisfaction and walked into the café to a table in a corner .
25 The thin little cat , her repast spread on a newspaper in the corner , dug her sharp white teeth into the cod 's head , closing her eyes in bliss the while .
26 ‘ Love one , ’ said Greg , and watched as Hilary went over to a little kettle on a hot-plate in the corner of the room and slopped boiling water over a tea-bag .
27 Mother Bombie settled herself on a crate in the corner and assumed an air of pious resignation .
28 I took a pile of the French and American magazines that lay on a table in the corner and went out under the colonnade .
29 In 1930 , when she was eighty-four , Caroline met Willa Cather in Aix-les-Bains , and recalled the hours spent eighty years earlier on a rug in the corner of Gustave 's study : he working , she reading , in strict but proudly observed silence .
30 Luch slept quietly on a pallet in the corner , her sore arm bandaged , her baby tucked safe beside her .
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