Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] of his eye " in BNC.

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1 He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye , wondering if he dare ask for water to help wash the cake down .
2 Devon Loch had appeared to take off right by the water jump , which the runners on the second circuit of the Grand National by-pass as they approach the winning post : had he caught that fence out of the corner of his eye and tried to jump it ?
3 He sat on the edge of the bed with his usual cynical observations , but he kept looking out of the corner of his eye .
4 Out of the corner of his eye , he saw the girl coming towards him .
5 Once he was doing this during a speech by Jimmy Logan who caught sight of the scribbling out of the corner of his eye .
6 Our of the corner of his eye the Major could see Harrison smirking , and he felt his temper rising .
7 Out of the corner of his eye he could see Mr Chan trying to comfort Steve while Ho stood by his side , staring at the Monument in terrified fascination .
8 Out of the corner of his eye he saw a face appear in the corridor .
9 Out of the corner of his eye he saw some wirelesses in a shop window .
10 Out of the corner of his eye , Hank could see her stricken face .
11 Out of the corner of his eye , Markby saw Pearce , taking notes in the background , shift in his chair .
12 Out of the corner of his eye the Captain took in the man 's elegant , obviously expensive clothes , noted the perfume not quite smothered by cigar smoke , and remembered the remark about whether it was worthwhile going to bed .
13 He absently slid his programme nearer to her so that it touched him now , glancing at her out of the corner of his eye .
14 The mosaic occupied much of his consciousness so that he was only dimly aware — out of the corner of his eye , and mind 's eye — of Meh'Lindi , a flexible ebon statue of herself , yet still with an ivory face .
15 Slipping on his gloves , he saw out of the corner of his eye the sun rising above a belt of dark blue .
16 At the door he saw out of the corner of his eye the black limousine was still there .
17 Out of the corner of his eye , he saw a movement .
18 He was about to speak when he noticed a movement out of the corner of his eye .
19 The man clutched his stomach in agony then noticed the fallen Browning out of the corner of his eye .
20 ’ When still she made no move , he chuckled and made as if to put the document away again , pausing when he saw out of the corner of his eye that she was returning to the desk , albeit hesitantly .
21 He appeared to be airborne , but he was watching Stephen out of the corner of his eye .
22 They were all Altun family retainers of long standing — men whose first and only concern would be to protect the interests of the Kha-Khan — and Burun watched them out of the corner of his eye in case it occurred to Nogai to send Sipotai warning .
23 Suddenly alerted by something seen out of the corner of his eye , one of the young Marines felt an icy death-grip on his spine .
24 Joseph noticed out of the corner of his eye that Khai Dinh had risen from his seat and was walking slowly in his ponderous Ming boots towards the door .
25 Out of the corner of his eye he could see the white youth had draped one leg over a plastic seat arm and was reclining , his gaze never leaving Magee .
26 Because when , after seven or eight long seconds of genuine respect , he saw Howard looking at him out of the corner of his eye , he hastily hid the bottle of sherry behind his back and bowed his head .
27 He began vaguely opening drawers and cupboards , trying to see out of the corner of his eye whether there were any more of Tessa 's belongings lying about the floor .
28 He also prowled about the room from time to time , passing as if accidentally behind Morris 's chair and looking over Morris 's shoulder out of the corner of his eye .
29 He squinted out of the corner of his eye to look at Irina .
30 He glanced at Siban out of the corner of his eye , but said nothing .
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