Example sentences of "[prep] light from the [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This makes it more difficult for light from the star to escape , and the light appears dimmer and redder to an observer at a distance .
2 The quivering net of light from the river seemed now to have set the whole room trembling .
3 Within a few paces the loom of the Tower was lost and the glint of light from the arrow-slit disappeared behind the curtains of rain .
4 And then , on the verge of sleep , she was crashing with him through the bushes of that dreadful wood , feeling the briars scratching her legs , the low twigs whipping against her cheeks , staring with him as the pool of light from the torch shone down on that grotesque and mutilated face .
5 A better working position results from arranging the seating with light from the window coming from behind the pupils and on to the work surface .
6 N B N B when you see the moon you are looking at light from the sun reflected from the moon circles .
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