Example sentences of "[prep] which [pron] have already [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then when children turn to secondary sources it will not be in a passive way , but with the purpose of checking ideas about which they have already talked .
2 But the madrigal was not merely a new art form — it had nothing in common with the trecento madrigal except the name — but a landmark in a revolution of which we have already seen the beginnings in the frottole and laudi spirituali and occasional passages in the Italian-influenced northerners from Dufay onward .
3 There are three types of plate margin , two of which we have already come across .
4 Bank Chambers High Street , Newbury , Berks 19 May 1987 Dear Sir , Re : Invoice 87/625 Despite reminders , this account in respect of road transport services for £2950 ( full particulars of which you have already received ) remains unpaid .
5 Fairs and feasts have survived the centuries in an amazing variety of ways , some of which I have already written about , but at West Witton in Wensleydale there survives one of the strangest and most interesting events I have come across .
6 Now what remains to be settled is the status of those claims for moral rights that do not enjoy the reflected sanction of the law ( examples of which I have already slighted as rhetoric ) , and those , perhaps more all-absorbing ones , that are thought meritorious enough by some to become laws .
7 If the client 's cheque is dishonoured , you can cause a serious shortfall in your firm 's office account ( it is this account that will have to bear the consequences of any dishonoured cheque against which you have already drawn ) .
8 Another amusing , but really quite typical example which transparently reveals the father-protest behind all other protests is provided by one of the cases cited in the study from which I have already quoted at length :
9 The main argument was , of course , the overcrowding of city graveyards , to which we have already referred .
10 But Exodus 1.8 read , ‘ Now there arose a new king over Egypt , who did not know Joseph , ’ and then began the story of Egyptian brutality and oppression to which we have already referred , and after that we are back with the tales of the Israelites ' stubborn complaining in the wilderness with which we have become so familiar .
11 Now the Passover was meant to be held annually , and together with the Feast of Unleavened Bread which immediately followed it , was one of the week-long festivals to which we have already referred ( see Deut.
12 Let us take as reasonably authoritative pronouncements the address by MacGregor and Howell to which we have already referred and the recommendations of the Speaker 's Commission to the National Curriculum Council .
13 Not only are defendants who are committed for trial in the Crown Court at risk of heavier penalties than magistrates are likely to impose ( see below ) , but the increased numbers are also likely to add to the already serious problems of delay in the Crown Court to which we have already referred .
14 Part of this has to do with the lack of systematic training to which we have already referred .
15 His principal criticism is one to which we have already referred : that Jakobson does not differentiate linguistic features which are perceptible to the reader from those which are not , and which therefore remain ‘ alien to the poetic structure ’ ( Riffaterre 1966 : 207 ) of the text .
16 Turning to your own interest in art , your recent book to which I have already referred , The Cycladic Spirit , has attempted to compare the 4,500-year-old marble figurine from the Cyclades with the modern aesthetic .
17 It appears that Parke B. was there using the words colore officii merely to denote an official demand and not in the more limited , and in my view , correct sense referred to by Isaacs J. , 11 C.L.R. 258 , 301 , and Windeyer J. , 102 C.L.R. 108 , 140 , in the cases to which I have already referred .
18 ‘ There is no doubt as to the general rule stated in Leake on Contracts to which I have already referred , that money paid voluntarily — that is to say , without compulsion or extortion or undue influence , and , of course , I may add without any fraud on the part of the person to whom it is paid , and with knowledge of all the facts , though paid without any consideration , or in discharge of a claim not due , or a claim which might have been successfully resisted , can not be recovered back .
19 He then cited the passage from Story , Equity Jurisprudence and made the comment to which I have already referred .
20 The reason for this lies in the limitations to which I have already referred .
21 This House , having granted leave to appeal , affirmed the Court of Appeal 's decision in Reg. v. Morris [ 1984 ] A.C. 320 , but reached its conclusion by a different route , as explained in the speech of Lord Roskill , to which I have already referred .
22 With the exception of the higher rate of SSP to which I have already referred , this has been applied to all the relevant main benefits rates — notably retirement pensions , war pensions , widows ' pensions , invalidity benefit , severe disablement allowance , the disability living allowance rates equivalent to the present mobility and attendance allowances , invalid care allowance , industrial injuries benefits , and the national insurance benefits for unemployment , sickness and maternity .
23 The purpose of the Bill goes beyond that to which I have already referred .
24 But the phenomenon of mild chronic depression in total states is probably not unrelated to parallel depressive tendencies to which I have already alluded when discussing the manic-depressive morphology of primal agriculture .
25 There has been , as I have emphasised , no criticism of his judgment on the material that was before him and besides those to which I have already drawn attention , there are two other matters to which I should make reference .
26 If you are female , more than two stones overweight , and just embarking on a weight-loss programme — as opposed to switching from another slimming diet on which you have already lost some of your surplus weight .
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