Example sentences of "[prep] the secretary [prep] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Francis Ferris QC and Michael Briggs ( Hempsons ) for Dr Spencer ; John Laws ( Treasury Solicitor ) for the Secretary of State for Health .
2 Clause 13 provides , as a cautionary measure , for the Secretary of State for Scotland to make such orders in relation to a privatised subsidiary in order to safeguard existing pension rights .
3 That is a matter for the Secretary of State for Transport and I would not want to comment on it .
4 The Minister has said that what happened with the NBC is nothing to do with him but is for the Secretary of State for Transport to consider .
5 This group was established in May 1991 , under the aegis of the Strategic Planning Forum , to prepare a report for the Secretary of State for Wales as part of a review of strategic planning guidance .
6 In essence , the matter is for the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland .
7 Will the right hon. Gentleman arrange for the Secretary of State for Defence to make a statement about the way in which contractors are paid £10 an hour for security guards at some of our vital establishments when security guards in my constituency are being paid £1.80 an hour ?
8 Will the Leader of the House arrange for the Secretary of State for Scotland to make a statement next week on his handling of the planning process within Scotland in advance of the proposed local inquiry into the construction of a bridge to Skye ?
9 Questions for the Secretary of State for employment .
10 There were flowers for the Secretary of State for Health and a message to go with them ; Save Standish Hospital .
11 Alex Brown thanked Mr Lang for taking the time to talk to the milk producers present but said : ‘ We know the final decision rests on your shoulders because it will be for the Secretary of State for Scotland to decide on whether proposals for vertically integrated milk co-operatives distort competition after the milk boards are deregulated . ’
12 Cynics might doubt his commitment to social security , as he introduced himself as the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry ( his previous job ) , but in his usual good-humoured style , Frank Field simply thanked him and said they would recommend him to Downing Street for a new job because of his social security knowledge .
13 As the Secretary of State for foreign affairs said to me , twenty eight pounds a week extra per family , including the honourable gentleman 's constituents .
14 As the Secretary of State for Transport told the chairman of BR in October 1983 , ‘ your guiding objective should be to run an efficient railway , providing good value for money .
15 I am told that there is to be a meeting between the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Transport and General Workers union as soon as it is practicable .
16 This Agreement between the Secretary of State for Employment and the Chief Executive of the Employment Service sets out the aim and objectives of the Employment Service and the targets to be met in year 1 April 1993 to 31 March 1994 .
17 It will be a non-departmental government body , accountable to Parliament through the Secretary of State for Scotland and funded by the Scottish Office .
18 The National Rivers Authority is , in theory , accountable to Parliament through the Secretary of State for the Environment , but the financial accountability for a scheme such as this falls elsewhere .
19 The egg industry , in the form of United Kingdom Egg Producers ' Association ( Ukepra ) , has submitted a definitive proof to the Richmond Committee , under the umbrella of the Secretary of State for Health , Kenneth Clarke , saying intact eggs , consumed immediately after breaking , can not cause food poisoning .
20 In some ways it is easy to share the enthusiasm of the Secretary of State for his new schools , financially independent ( except on the direct grant for students from the DES , paid on a per capita basis ) , yet with a rigidly controlled curriculum .
21 the perfect adaption of the internal arrangements of the new India Office to the requirements of the Secretary of State for India in Council , Mr. M. Digby Wyatt 's experience be made available , and that the necessary designs and plans be accordingly prepared by him and Mr. Scott in communication with each other .
22 Though there has been a change of Prime Minister and of the Secretary of State for the Environment since the publication of the White Paper , the environmental cause seems as strong as ever .
23 Under the aegis of the Secretary of State for the Environment , Michael Heseltine , Urban Development Corporations were given legal definition in Part XVI of the Local Government , Planning and Land Act 1980 .
24 It has increased the powers of the Secretary of State for Education and Science , strengthened the role of central government , limited the functions of local education authorities and given considerable powers and responsibilities to governing bodies and headteachers .
25 1.1 WHEREAS the Government of the United Kingdom has promulgated a programme of pre-competitive research in the field of advanced information technology and has invited , through the agency of the Department of Trade and Industry 's Information Engineering Advanced Technology Programme ( ‘ IEATP ’ ) acting on behalf of the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , and the Science and Engineering Research Council ( ‘ SERC ’ ) , applications for financial support from consortia of academic and non-academic organisations ; and
26 So , for example , the duty of the Secretary of State for Health under the National Health Service Act 1946 to promote the establishment of a comprehensive health service is , no doubt , non-justiciable : this duty could be enforced , if at all , only by the political process .
27 Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson V.-C. held , however , that the statutory right of the Board , acting as delegate of the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , to seek an order against persons carrying on investment business in the United Kingdom without authority to make good losses suffered by others was a sufficient basis for a Mareva injunction .
28 Vicente Comes , office of the Secretary of State for the Environment , Spain
29 The response of the Secretary of State for the Environment is interesting .
30 We know from the signed statement of the Secretary of State for Transport withdrawing the ‘ explosive device ’ certificate of public interest immunity , and would in any event have assumed in the absence of evidence to the contrary , that ‘ the Ministry of Defence retain the documents relating to Dr. Hayes ' work in respect of the Lockerbie air disaster . ’
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