Example sentences of "precisely because [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is a common leftist belief that poetry is an ‘ élitist ’ mode , precisely because of the cultural literacy it presupposes , which gives an unfair advantage to students from middle-class homes with books .
2 The incident has become deeply embarrassing for the Bush administration , precisely because of its caution .
3 On the whole , therefore , researching the RUC has been more difficult than has been the case in most other studies in the sociology of policing ( for an exception see Punch 1989 ) , precisely because of the sensitivity of the topic in its social context .
4 The sudden chill of isolation which Britain felt in a hostile world , and the thrill of Dominion contingents serving alongside troops from ‘ home ’ , raised in new form what had long been a nagging conundrum — that the outlying parts of the Empire which Britain defended bore no appreciable share of the burden , precisely because of the fundamental political syllogism : no taxation without representation ; no representation without common responsibility ; no common responsibility without sacrifice of separate independence .
5 In other words , precisely because of the Western integration of subjectivity and sexuality , deviant desire becomes also a refusal of certain kinds of subjectivity .
6 Nevertheless , those ‘ most perfect memories of sensual delight ’ ( So Be It , 126 — 7 ) remained a strength , the impetus for a nonconformist humanism which , precisely because of its universalist aspirations , provides further identifications beyond sexuality .
7 In the case of the work of the Mexican Alberto Gironella , the reason would seem to be precisely because of his insistent concentration on art of a very different category — that of Spain during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , particularly court portraiture .
8 Again , men like John Clifford or Silvester Horne , active in Liberal politics , saw their preaching labelled as more ‘ social ’ than it actually was precisely because of their political work .
9 A possible ( relatively ) benign explanation might be presented for GPs ' failure to pursue a non compulsory route : that women , whose conventional role involves running the home and family , would be less willing to go into hospital precisely because of their feelings of responsibility for others in the home .
10 Two generations later one educationist , Geoff Whitty , questioned the value of the political education movement precisely because of the official support it had received .
11 Banks , Harris and Sinclair were probably elected because of their trade-union connections , but precisely because of these existing responsibilities , the first two could not devote much time and effort to what appeared to be a marginal group making little impact .
12 And that 's an aspect that often gets excluded from soap opera precisely because of the emphasis on the domestic .
13 Once placed in their political context , it is difficult to imagine a set of guidelines of good practice in urban policy precisely because of the interaction of policy , theory and practice that this volume attempts to emphasise .
14 But precisely because of that , sex and sexual representations are important to us , and so we can not allow a simple-minded anti-pornography consensus to stifle us .
15 More perceptively , Lloyd Shearer in Parade wrote , ‘ With his short stature , hook nose , beady eyes , unkempt hair , he looks like a loser , and it is precisely because of that loser image that the younger generation have made him their winner . ’
16 It is precisely because of them that any progress at all has been accomplished in matters of racial discourse .
17 It is precisely because of this view that we discover the highest purpose of PATTERN PRACTICE : TO REDUCE TO HABIT WHAT RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO HABIT IN THE NEW LANGUAGE , so that the mind and personality may be freed to dwell in their proper realm , that is on the meaning of the communication rather than the mechanics of grammar .
18 But Best is ideally qualified precisely because of his infamous escapades under Matt Busby .
19 But perhaps they are devalued precisely because of their association with femininity ; and perhaps it is therefore one important task of feminism to revalue them , even to celebrate them .
20 Geophysicists are perhaps not best known for their romantic souls , and when they invented the dire appellation subduction zone , they probably overlooked the fact that precisely because of all this subterranean frenzy , each one is an area of quite extraordinary beauty .
21 The Council still remains the organ with the broadest spread of democratic membership : it is the West European body which perhaps will benefit first from the revolutionary changes or-1989 in Eastern Europe precisely because of its more ‘ bland ’ nature : in 1990 Poland signified its desire to join the Council .
22 But few doubt , even in Nashville , that country has boomed precisely because of its predictable format and the readiness of its lyrics to engage with the mundane ups-and-downs of life .
23 Their work is relevant to us and speaks of the human condition not because it attains universality and ‘ objectivity ’ , as Goody and others would imply , but on the contrary precisely because of its articulation with the real social experience in which they participated .
24 Its corollary is that precisely because of their prior example , they have made it increasingly difficult to write intelligently on popular culture .
25 Chile has been far more successful than most , precisely because of the simplicity of its administrative procedures and considerable pragmatism in assessing values : features largely absent elsewhere .
26 The current position is that the language of the Convention suggests one conclusion , while the intentions of the parties another ; it is also possible that those intentions changed after the negotiations precisely because of the changed stance of the United States .
27 We now reveal that the concepts of irreducibility and primeness do coincide in Z. It is , however , precisely because of the fact that these concepts do not coincide in every kind of number system we shall meet ( see exercise 6 ) that the celebrated conjecture of Fermat remains unproven to this day ( See Section 3.5 . )
28 If , however , a society is so divided that it contains within itself one or more permanent minorities , who know that on the issues that matter most to them they can never hope to get their way , precisely because of the operation of the majority principle , then that principle ceases to be adequate .
29 Attention is paid to this logico-linguistic conception of consciousness , in terms of independent and dependent truth-values , precisely because of its literalness and precision .
30 There is an interesting comparison here with Liverpool and its ‘ class culture ’ , but there is a difference precisely because of the much greater importance of ‘ marine manufacturing ’ on Tyneside compared with Merseyside .
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