Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] be considered to [be] " in BNC.

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1 As the responsibility of the Department of Employment , TVEI represents a determined government effort , practically by-passing the government department that has traditionally exercised responsibility for the schools and the school curriculum , to effect a swift and decisive orientation of the curriculum towards what is considered to be of immediate relevance to the skills and know-how required by a technological society .
2 Public utilities such as electricity , gas , water and telecommunications provided the best examples of what were considered to be natural monopolies , although when technological advances are made , certain industries formerly classed as natural monopolies may cease to be so ( eg telecommunications ) .
3 The most dramatic example of this came on June 13 when , while addressing a meeting of members of the Rev. Jesse Jackson 's " Rainbow Coalition " , he defied the parameters of what was considered to be " politically correct " by criticizing all forms of racial hatred , including such expressions by blacks against whites .
4 In what was considered to be a goodwill gesture to back their peace proposal , the cartel released Juan Vitta , an editor of the magazine Hoy por Hoy and one of seven journalists the cartel was holding hostage [ see also p. 37772 issue ] , on Nov. 26 in the city of Medellín .
5 The mini is a long way from what 's considered to be the first jukebox ; the Edison Phonograph .
6 The timing of the election was also influenced by disarray within the opposition Liberal-National Party coalition arising from what were considered to be ill-conceived policies regarding health care and labour relations , and continuing problems within the leadership .
7 But they also show that there is wide disagreement about what is considered to be an acceptable way forward .
8 Questions will be asked about what are considered to be healthy foods and why , and whether definitions are changing .
9 In most work environments there is a local border line for what is considered to be acceptable behaviour .
10 The fine is the maximum for what is considered to be a minor breach of Tour conduct .
11 This story did the rounds some years ago , when Romanians already had the measure of their leader , but while the West was still honouring President Ceausescu for what was considered to be his independent stand on foreign policy issues .
12 On the contrary , I was mocked within the family for my ‘ posh ’ accent , and for what was considered to be my general childishness , especially as far as my sense of humour was concerned .
13 I do n't think you will be surprised to learn that that in fact shows a very clear divergence between what was considered to be girls ' training and boys ' training and the most stark statistic was in relation to who was going into government training centres .
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