Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun pl] around the world " in BNC.

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1 Even President Jimmy Carter , who came to office in a house-cleansing operation after the shambles of Richard Nixon 's resignation , indulged in a variety of covert operations around the world , including the supply of weapons by the CIA from America and other sources to Afghan rebel forces fighting against the Russians .
2 The the two , initially there are two studies which will look into numbers , one of those is a top downs study which is based on scenarios and will look at erm a variety of different situations around the world from an analytical point of view .
3 The division in Cabinet between Dalton plus Attlee ( plus , occasionally , Morrison ) versus Bevin and the Chiefs of Staff , supported by A. V. Alexander , the Minister of Defence , was reflected in the Defence Committee 's first meeting on 11 January 1946 , when Dalton and Attlee queried the level of British forces around the world , and Bevin and the defence chiefs defended that level .
4 The occurrence of banded ironstones around the world in late Precambrian rocks is well known .
5 The massive violation of human rights around the world — some 90 countries are believed to practice torture — means that escape and exile is the only hope for many survivors of that oppression .
6 Developers of electric vehicles around the world would like to see some small concessions granted in the legislations so that ULEVs are not unduly penalised .
7 Sun was expecting to deliver hundreds of Tsunami boxes around the world the first weekend in November and to have thousands going out the door the beginning of December .
8 But as the economies of other countries around the world began to collapse , it became increasingly clear that the Depression was no brief passing phase .
9 The world 's first test-tube baby , Louise Brown , was born in England on July 24 , 1978 , and since then scores of other children around the world have been conceived in the laboratory test tube .
10 Ortega 's defeat crushed a lot of left-wing supporters around the world , but it did not set back Gould , who immediately plunged himself into a new project .
11 The new body undertook to defend " the right of self-determination of oppressed peoples around the world " .
12 Never mind that thousands of bad loans around the world were cheerfully supported by foreign governments .
13 Following your example I have become an apostle for the fight for human rights around the world .
14 These ideas are plausible as far as they go , but I find that they do not begin to square up to the formidable challenge of explaining culture , cultural evolution , and the immense differences between human cultures around the world , from the utter selfishness of the Ik of Uganda , as described by Colin Turnbull , to the gentle altruism of Margaret Mead 's Arapesh .
15 Reports continued of attacks by Iraqi-inspired militant groups against allied targets around the world .
16 The film stars Sir John Gielgud and is directed by John G. Avildsen , the man who made the Rocky blockbusters into box-office hits around the world .
17 There should be no preconceptions whatever , no areas of intellectual abstinence , and we should go out of our way to build common cause with other parties around the world in searching out the way forward .
18 Combining text and photos from two of his previous books , Castles in the Air and Fields of Little America , the Author updates those two volumes and many more original photos gained from private collections around the world , and along with additional narrative , puts together a comprehensive account of the USAAF 's war in the skies above Britain from 1942 until final victory in 1945 .
19 Once again in exotic lands , Primotif is a collection of motifs and artwork from tribal cultures around the world ; strong , simple , dramatic and very much echoing the current preoccupation with all things ethnic .
20 Tonight the cellist Vedran Smailovic , who has come to represent the very soul of the besieged city , performs simultaneously with three other cellists in different capitals around the world .
21 If I , if I could be a fly on a wall anywhere , it would be in governmental offices around the world .
22 My opinion is that this is a bit harsh and narrow sighted — in the long run Norway will be better if their players get wide experience in good leagues around the world .
23 It is true that despite close attention from numerous scientists around the world for the past 60 years , soil erosion is now perhaps more widespread than ever before .
24 As well as spending a great deal of time servicing existing customers we are constantly looking for new opportunities in developing markets around the world .
25 Acting , he told me , was ‘ a wonderful job that gives me the opportunity to drink with some really good friends in exotic places around the world ’ .
26 The contributors will be writing about their work with multinational groups of teacher trainees and English language learners in , for example , Japan , Germany , USA , UK , Canada , Australia , and in other countries around the world .
27 But railways have also had a powerful literal effect upon religious movements around the world .
28 Although the great whales may be relatively safe for a while the International Whaling Commission regulation does not cover any of the small cetaceans which are being slaughtered in huge numbers around the world .
29 This 30-minute insight squeezes out all the grisly facts and figures and reveals the growing number of attacks on British tourists around the world .
30 The job may go under different titles on different stations around the world , but essentially that 's what I 'll be from Monday on , even if you do earn more than me . ’
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