Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] rate [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Once you 've created the jobs for people it has given the economies an upturn and I feel it 's rather a shame that the erm the great problems of the of the Germans particularly have put that pressure for high interest rates through the er E R M , through those currencies and one , I think , good thing of Britain 's disaster last year , with with their position in the E R M , is that by lowering interest rates , if we only had a government who wanted to use that opportunity probably , we could train people for for work .
2 The NHS has traditionally recruited large numbers of learners to compensate for high wastage rates from the profession .
3 Besides secondary exposure to vaccine virus , an explanation for high seropositivity rates in the OPV group was a high incidence of wild poliovirus infection during the study period ; this hypothesis is supported by differences in seroprevalences to types 1 and 3 between 6-month-old and 9-month-old children at the beginning of the study .
4 One was the maintenance of high inflation rates despite the collapse of output .
5 The most rapidly growing counties were all in the South-East , largely ones that had experienced below average growth rates in the nineteenth century .
6 Some of us remember the times of fixed exchange rates under the Bretton Woods system when we used to hear in the House details of public expenditure cuts , of how we had to let go a great deal of our reserves , and of high interest rates — all at once .
7 The general conclusion , therefore must be that the overall effect , whether negative or positive , of existing taxation rates on the work effort , and hence on economic growth , is negligible in spite of the apocalyptic assertions and rhetoric from various quarters .
8 Modest ( 1984 ) also made use of a no-arbitrage condition to test the effects of marking to the market in the presence of stochastic interest rates on the prices of index futures .
9 The Chancellor of the Exchequer told the Conservative Party conference in Blackpool that there was no alternative to his policy of high-level interest rates in the ‘ paramount ’ fight against inflation .
10 The creation of the system was interpreted by Bilson [ 1979 ] as : " … the first step back from the rugged individualism and national self-interest that lay behind the formal acceptance of flexible exchange rates at the Jamaica meetings of the International Monetary Fund in January 1976 . "
11 Figure 1 shows the power spectra stacked in order of mean count rate for the observation .
12 In this chapter we have examined the impact of floating exchange rates on the hopes for economic and monetary union within the EC .
13 Wimpey News has teamed up with the tournament organisers to offer readers the chance of special offer rates for the afternoon and evening performances on Tuesday , 27 July .
14 These institutions are simply coping with low pass rates in the matriculation exam , an immediate manifestation of a broader problem of apartheid education which they can do nothing to solve .
15 FOR MANY years British golfers in search of winter sunshine headed for the fairways of Spain or Portugal , but with good exchange rates against the dollar the Atlantic seaboard of the United States has become an alternative .
16 Napier alumni qualify for reduced membership rates at the university 's libraries .
17 A simplified illustration allows us to demonstrate the importance of a weighted exchange rate in order to capture the effect of changes in different exchange rates on the overall position .
18 The study comes at a time when many health authorities are reducing the number of clinics and there has been a 35% rise in teenage pregnancy rates over the last 10 years .
19 Redland gained ground on hopes of an early cut in German interest rates in the wake of the general agreement between the German government , opposition and local governments on the future financing of reunification and reconstruction costs .
20 All three components had a hand in producing the marked reduction in annual growth rate between the first half of the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s , but the dominant feature was the fall in the number of births .
21 The advance in age at marriage , and in its popularity , accounted for about 30 per cent of the increase in annual fertility rates from the 1930s to the 1950s which comprised the ‘ baby boom ’ .
22 Figure 9.1 shows the movements in real exchange rates of the major currencies over the period 1974 — 88 .
23 Relative returns ( as this is the variable employed in estimation ) were regressed on a vector of predetermined variables consisting of lagged relative yields and asset prices plus nominal GDP growth and changes in three-month interest rates in the UK and the US .
24 This is achieved by changes in relative interest rates in the different parts of the market .
25 Mature N. lapillus are thought not to grow ( Moore , 1936 ) but Moore ( 1938a ) found a preponderance of females amongst the largest dog whelks ; he thought this is due either to differential growth rates in the two sexes or to differential onset of maturity.Feare ( 1970c ) also considered that most of the oldest individuals were female .
26 But such matters are relative : the major currencies outside the EMS have been characterized by a high degree of exchange rate volatility , and the proper comparison is to consider the effect on intra-community exchange rates without the operation of the EMS .
27 UNSCEAR ( 1977 ) estimates that in a million liveborn children in the first generation of offspring of a population exposed to 10 mGy ( 1 rad ) at low dose rate during the generation , there would be 63 genetic diseases .
28 In the guilds , ’ the young man continued , ‘ there are always small groups or societies prepared to lend money at high interest rates to the nobles or to other merchants .
29 However , such comparison of gross product per head of different countries at contemporary exchange rates with the dollar gives misleading results .
30 Profit and loss accounts in foreign currencies and cash flows included in the cash flow statement are translated into sterling at average exchange rates for the year .
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