Example sentences of "[prep] [art] century [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They are expected suddenly to adapt to the modern world after a century of colonial domination and outside interference .
2 The close relationship of light and radiant heat was discovered at the turn of the century in infra-red radiation , and that between light and chemical affinity in the ultra-violet rays which will set off reactions .
3 Artemidorus wrote before Posidonius , who occasionally disagreed with him : he must have travelled about 100 B.C. He seems to have done particularly useful work on the geography of Spain where he had the advantage of a century of Roman administration .
4 Incessant organising and campaigning over a quarter of a century of turbulent activity had taken their toll .
5 After a quarter of a century of divided independence , some West Indian rulers are tired of the insignificance to which miniaturisation condemns them .
6 TO reward a quarter of a century of loyal service with Stoddard Carpets Ltd , Group Chief Executive , Ralph Ellis , presented an inscribed watch to sixteen members of the workforce .
7 Book Seven enhances the impression of a century of civil war , but again allowance must be made for the fact that this one book covers scarcely more than twelve months of 584/5 , and that it is concerned largely with the attempt by the " pretender " Gundovald to establish his claim to the Frankish throne .
8 This project represents a continuation of work carried out by the University of New Delhi in 1958 and by Professor Stern and his colleagues in 1975 , and will permit close quantitative analysis of a quarter of a century of agrarian change .
9 Looking back a quarter of a century to that statement , perhaps the most obvious awkwardness today lies in its easy assumption that there was , in the 1960s , a common culture to be transmitted .
10 For all its dream-like episodes it locates you firmly in the village of Macondo in the jungles of Colombia through a century of dramatic development .
11 A person in their eighties today has lived through a century of more change than at any other time in history .
12 Perhaps most important of all , the interest displayed in the Woonerf has demonstrated the hunger that exists throughout the Western world for a successful method of reclaiming the streets from a century of growing domination by the car .
13 In a century of imperial expansion it was inevitable that many sons died far from home and not , as they might have wished , in the bosom of the family .
14 The cornerstone of over a century of Russian diplomacy was laid with the signing of a formal alliance with Austria in 1726 .
15 Like her earlier Stand We At Last , which told the story of over a century of Western feminism , Daddy 's Girls shows Zoƫ Fairbairns to be adept at recreating detail and charting the changes in character 's lives as years pass .
16 In more recent times it was important for over a century for one reason : it was supported by Sir Isaac Newton .
17 The internal economic geography of the UK has been reworked over a century by fundamental change in the nature and orientation of exports , which has reflected the success of individual industries and their factories .
18 Although Arminius , who had taught theology at the University of Leyden , was in most respects an orthodox Protestant , on the question of salvation he had turned his back on a century of Reformed theology by arguing against the extreme predestinarian theology of Calvin 's successor at Geneva , Theodore Beza .
19 This family of south and Central American passerines has been swelled and diminished by a century of taxonomic debate .
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