Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] have come [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I think the Court of Bank of Ireland has come up with the greatest riddle since 1782 , when an Act of Parliament established the Bank .
2 The city of Budapest has come up with an imaginative solution to the problem of where to put over forty years worth of statues , sculptures and monuments dedicated to the heroes and events of communism .
3 The mutilated text of the passage of Polybius has come down to us in the Excerpta de sententiis and the keyword " he wept " , has to be supplied from Diodorus ( 32.24 ) with the support of Appian , Punica 132 : they are known to have used Polybius directly or indirectly .
4 A RESEARCHER with IBM has come up with a device that might possibly replace the transistor in integrated circuit devices .
5 But Longlands College in Middlesbrough has come up with a unique qualification , a BTEC Diploma in Business , Finance and Distribution , aimed at 16 to 19-year-olds as well as adults looking for a change in their career .
6 Said his friend-cum-mentor , Irving Layton , in looking back over the period , ‘ I had a very sharp feeling in the early fifties that poetry in Canada had come in from the cold and was starting to gain momentum . ’
7 In the USA , I discovered from a report by Dermot Pungavie in the Daily Mail , for those mourners who wish to view but are short of time , one funeral director in Chicago has come up with the novel idea of drive-in viewing .
8 Now Cystic Fibrosis researchers in Oxford have come up with a potential cure .
9 But this room will change all that.The Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre in Oxford has come up with a combined treatment and playroom .
10 Daniel Galvin in London has come up with a treatment that takes only thirty minutes and rather than causing a dramatic change , it softly camouflages grey hair with a subtle , natural-looking colour .
11 More than 50 orphaned or injured otters from all over Britain have come in to the trust 's rehabilitation centre in south-west Scotland .
12 SOME BRIGHT sparks at Wyseplant have come up with brand new service for industry and commerce .
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