Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] have happened to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There had been genuine fear on some of those people 's faces when she had mentioned Martin 's name , a fear she could appreciate after what had happened to her last night , but it had n't shaken her determination to get to the bottom of the story .
2 ‘ You mean that even after what had happened to you , you never questioned your faith ? ’
3 Anna 's offended against age-old Romany taboos , but after what 's happened to her she needs to be helped , not rejected . ’
4 How do you think she would feel seeing us together after what 's happened to her ? ’
5 And after what 's happened to me Rosella 's going to be treading very carefully indeed . ’
6 How can I claim any loyalty to separatism after what has happened to me ?
7 In the build up to her first ever world tour , the now seasoned campaigner decided it was time to kill the cutesy girl-next-door and reflect the reality of what had happened to her over the previous two years .
8 She wanted to make sense of what had happened to her , why her mother had n't wanted her .
9 All the months which Sally-Anne Tunstall had spent trying to erase the memory of what had happened to her , her refusal to remember any part of it , were as nothing .
10 Some gentle lovemaking on this first occasion to prove to her that she was not repulsive to him because of what had happened to her , and that all men were not brutes , was in order .
11 After a while the pain of what had happened to her went away .
12 The conversation was wide-ranging , but gradually I told her the full story of what had happened to me over the previous year or so .
13 The third stage back to health would need to be an attempt to make sense of what had happened to me and why .
14 The authorities would think you 'd finally cracked under the pressure of what had happened to your family .
15 And , because of what had happened to his father , honesty and integrity were of far greater importance to him than to many businessmen she had worked for .
16 The mystery of what 's happened to them .
17 It 's because of what 's happened to them , in their lives , with the men they 've known .
18 But she 'll hit back at anyone around her , just because of what 's happened to her .
19 Sorry — problem 's a bit of a silly word to use in the light of what 's happened to you . ’
20 It 's no wonder , of course , when you think of what 's happened to you , but if you do n't watch it you 're going to crack .
21 Bereaved people trying to make sense of what has happened to them often find that one of the most difficult things is to discover that they ‘ can not think straight ’ and when they do their thoughts are often so disturbing and frightening that they feel they 've ‘ gone mad ’ .
22 ‘ An issue that is consistently swept under the carpet is the power adults can have over children when they give their stories of what has happened to them , ’ said Prof Turner .
23 Only once , and perhaps not surprisingly , when he talked about having to explain the implications of what has happened to him to his five-year-old daughter , Camera , did he almost break down .
24 I may now have an inkling of what has happened to me over the last few years ; I may have lined up a few suspects , even tentatively put my finger on ‘ who done it ’ ; I may have my own private detectives working alongside the regular police , and we may have made an arrest or two , but the file has not been closed .
25 ‘ You see , dear boy , what you have stumbled upon are classic cases of what has happened to me .
26 I hope he can grow up to be a normal young man in spite of what has happened to me .
27 He will shift very rapidly between different representations of the equipment ; the thing itself , his maintenance instructions , the manual , the drawings of the system , verbal discussion with a colleague , his recollection of what has happened to it in the past and so on .
28 ‘ I 've come to see you because of what has happened to my parents . ’
29 ‘ Then how do they fit into what has happened to me ?
30 John McCarthy , Terry Waite , Jackie Mann and spent time in a special unit where Dr Turnbull helped them come to terms with what had happened to them .
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