Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] of ministers [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , institutional changes have also been introduced which hopefully will provide for a more cooperative relationship between the Council of Ministers and the EP .
2 This must be done with the prior approval of the Council of Ministers or its Executive Committee " .
3 When it landed , the Americans had no steps tall enough to reach it , a gratifying start except for the fact that the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and his party had to climb down an emergency ladder hand over hand .
4 Kaysone Phomvihane , Chairman of the Council of Ministers and LPRP general secretary , on Nov. 8 , 1989 , on the second day of a five-day visit to Japan , met the Japanese Prime Minister , Toshiki Kaifu .
5 Simon Stefani was replaced as Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Internal Affairs by Hekuran Isai , a former Albanian Party of Labour ( APL ) central committee secretary in charge of economic affairs .
6 The then Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Internal Affairs Minister , Simon Stefani , quoted in the newspaper Zëri i Popullit , denied reports by " foreign agencies " of an " enormous " prison population .
7 Sali Vongkhamsao , a member of both the politburo and the secretariat of the Lao People 's Revolutionary Party and a Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Economy , Planning and Finance , died on Jan. 23 , aged 66 , after a long illness .
8 They included Hekuran Isai ( appointed Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Internal Affairs in July 1990 ) and Rita Marko ( ousted from the politburo in July 1990 ) .
9 The draft produced by the CCA proposed the abolition of the Council of Ministers and the establishment of a government operating in accordance with the " premiership system " , under which the Prime Minister and individual ministers would have greatly enhanced powers .
10 On a visit to Italy on Sept. 11 , Gramoz Pashko , Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers and Economy Minister , met with Pope John Paul II and reportedly discussed the " intensification of religious activity " in Albania .
11 The proposals rest on the table of the council of ministers and it 's common knowledge that this government er has er shown the greatest reluctance to see any movement er forward .
12 His blueprint for evolving ‘ a genuine parliamentary democracy ’ will be discussed at a preparatory conference next spring which the European parliament will hold with the Council of Ministers and the bureaucratic Commission .
13 The preponderance of power within the European Community presently resides with the Council of Ministers and the Commission .
14 The constitution was remarkably like that of the European Community , with a Council of Ministers and a directly elected assembly .
15 King Mswati III dissolved the Libandla ( Parliament ) on Oct. 9 , one month ahead of the scheduled end of its term , announcing that he would rule with " executive powers " with the help of the Cabinet , which would be converted into a council of ministers and would act as a caretaker government while a new constitution was drafted and elections were held .
16 But although Mr Redwood agreed to allow the West German competition authorities special rights to look at sensitive mergers , he obtained a commitment from the Council of Ministers that this could only be used ‘ in exceptional circumstances ’ .
17 A Commission document published the following day supported majority voting on foreign policy issues within the Council of Ministers and a fully fledged defence policy as an eventual EC goal .
18 I am doing my utmost to persuade my colleagues in the Council of Ministers that it would make no sense , for the European Community as well as this country , if the directives were promulgated in their present form .
19 Er er what the honourable gentleman , my honourable friend reads out is certainly my view er we will erm of course engage in any discussions on this subject that come up i in the council of ministers but it would take quite a lot of convincing I think to myself and my colleagues , that any other form of election would be an improvement on first past the post , erm and er the ar , no I wo n't give way cos I have about four minutes left and er I do want to make a couple of other points .
20 There must be a direct line of accountability from the man in the street , via his MP who is accountable to his constituents , to the minister who takes part in the Council of Ministers and the government , who are accountable to parliament .
21 My right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State will take the case to his colleagues in the Council of Ministers and ask them to look again at the proposals , which would be damaging not only to British industry but to industries — including tourism — right across the Community .
22 The French view was reiterated by de Gaulle at a press conference in September when he attacked the Commission for acting unconstitutionally in attempting to take power away from the national governments , concluding with the statement that France would not participate in the Council of Ministers until the Commission retracted .
23 The arrangements set up by the two Houses differed widely , but they have had in common that their powers derive from the practical assistance given by the United Kingdom Government in the prompt provision of legislative proposals and other Community documents , and from the Government undertaking not to agree any proposal in the Council of Ministers until parliamentary scrutiny is complete .
24 The possibility of judicial review is constantly in the mind of Ministers and officials when preparing legislation and putting it into effect .
25 The skirmishes of the past became in 1965 a full battle over the Council of Ministers and its powers to take decisions .
26 He said that the commission 's findings would be presented to the Council of Ministers as soon as they were completed .
27 Main 1990 meetings : 26th Assembly of heads of state and government , Addis Ababa , Ethiopia , July 9-11 [ see p. 37604 ] ; ad hoc committee of heads of state and government on southern Africa , one-day meeting , Lusaka , Zambia , March 19 , and fifth ordinary session , Kampala , Uganda , Sept. 8 ; permanent steering committee , ministerial meeting , Addis Ababa , Dec. 1 , when a draft treaty on establishing an African Economic Community was approved for submission to the Council of Ministers and the Assembly in 1991 .
28 The monumentally crass decision to include this item in the Environment Bill reflects badly on the judgement of ministers and the competence of their advisers .
29 There is no legal limit on the number of ministers but there is a limit on the number who can sit and vote in the Commons ( House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975 , s.2(1) ) , presently 95 and a limit to the number of ministerial salaries which can be paid ( Ministerial and other Salaries Act 1975 ) .
30 The Congress exercises a degree of control over the General People 's Committee , which is broadly equivalent to a Council of Ministers or Cabinet .
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