Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] it seemed [conj] " in BNC.

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1 With each provocation it seemed that the next step would be an outright Russian invasion .
2 In legal terms it seemed that he was free to intervene ; his claim to exercise sovereignty in Aquitaine had not been renounced in 1360 .
3 In all directions it seemed that scientific investigation was triumphing over ignorance , and scientific analysis replacing rule of thumb .
4 In many respects it seemed that feminist aims regarding women 's rights in the public sphere had been achieved .
5 for one moment it seemed that the bald man would carry the situation through by sheer force of character .
6 To American eyes it seemed that the whole of South-East Asia was now threatened .
7 When he landed on 20 October it seemed that the magic of Uncle Ho had not faded .
8 To both men it seemed that a way out for all parties might be found in an international conference , such as that which had settled the Luxembourg question in 1867 .
9 At all events it seemed that the Cold War , if it had a victor , had been won by the West .
10 At first glance it seemed that the vision of Monnet and Schuman of gradual sectoral integration binding the participants even closer together was one important step nearer realisation .
11 At one minute it seemed that he had been having a fine old dream about Humans and banquets and the Frost Giantess frying on a spit .
12 At one time it seemed that the best approach to the problem would be to reduce the level of lead in petrol , but not to eliminate it altogether .
13 At one point it seemed that any would-be London cabbie seeking to learn ‘ the knowledge ’ had only to memorise Ray Davies ' song output in order to locate any part of the Metropolis .
14 At one stage it seemed as though the government would decide on a scheme operated by banks as the lenders , but the financial institutions were unenthusiastic .
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