Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] the [noun sg] around the " in BNC.

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1 This rapidly progresses into following the child around the room with a spoon .
2 Since early February oyster-catchers had been arriving back from spending the winter around the big estuaries of mainland Britain and by the end of March were well distributed in coastal areas .
3 Much of the time between Gould 's arrival in Adelaide and the departure of Sturt 's expedition was spent with Sturt and his family , or Governor Gawler , whose wife was a friend of Lear 's , and in exploring the countryside around the city .
4 Without revealing the reason why they are rowing , but could it be that her actor husband is a Glen-man and she is ‘ rubbing it in ’ by wearing the tee-shirt around the house to celebrate Linfield winning the Irish League Championship this season !
5 Thus by changing the environment around the dithiadiazole ring substituents , it is possible to produce , in the solid state , a variety of cis , trans and staggered dimers , and also polymeric arrays .
6 The very large Mushroom polyps , often sold as elephant 's ear , species , are also capable of catching quite large crustaceans and fish by folding the disc around the prey to form a ball , with the unfortunate prey trapped inside .
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