Example sentences of "[adj] contrast to the [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Gibbons 's verse anthems generally have accompaniments for viols as well as organ , while Tomkins 's organ accompaniments are full and sometimes marked by florid ornament in strong contrast to the frequently sketchy organ parts of the previous generation .
2 The enthusiasm , the energy and the sheer endurance of many ethnic congregations are in strong contrast to the more restrained worship to which the average British Christian is accustomed .
3 A refreshing contrast to the more reserved British approach .
4 I deliberately chose the hydrangeas for their pointed petals , which made an interesting contrast to the very rounded shapes of the yellow potentillas and the roses .
5 The early April agreements came in marked contrast to the generally poor atmosphere during March , when a visit to Washington by Toshiki Kaifu , the Japanese Prime Minister , had produced a tentative agreement on the sale of supercomputers to Japan [ ibid. ] — the first of three major trade areas for which Japan had been named under the " Super 301 " rule .
6 Much of the craftsmanship and its relevant technologies considered so far is in marked contrast to the most common of artefacts , pottery .
7 In his early forties with thinning curly hair and a ready smile , his dress was in marked contrast to the usually sober attire of British security service personnel .
8 The unity of the ending is a fairy tale happy-ever-after that provides a jolting contrast to the grimly realistic descriptions of misogyny and racial hatred .
9 The local researcher may find this kind of work , down-to-earth and practical , a welcome contrast to the more academic kinds of study discussed elsewhere in this book .
10 The museum 's elegant sloping design , by Jerusalem architect Ze'ev Schoenberg , has , on the other hand , won general applause , the atmosphere of airiness and intimacy being a happy contrast to the more cavernous Israel Museum .
11 The four ladies found the whole hypermarket shopping experience an immense contrast to the very basic counter service shops that predominate in their home country .
12 Its curriculum stands in sharp contrast to the strongly traditional course at Kenya 's first and much older medical school in Nairobi .
13 He surrounds himself with an entourage of loyal courtiers , some from the store , others from the office , taking several at a time for convivial weekends of dog-walking , tennis and log fires at his country villa on the River Po — a sharp contrast to the rather gloomy , solitary week nights he spends in the industrial wasteland of the Via Borgonuovo .
14 The speech was welcomed by the opposition who saw these developments in sharp contrast to the more cautious approach to change signalled by Iliescu during the election campaign .
15 They stand in sharp contrast to the more open , and accessible British model .
16 This provides an excellent contrast to the more usual turkey and chicken dishes to be found on cold buffet tables , in much the same way as pastrami enlivens a plate of cold sliced meats .
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