Example sentences of "[adj] source of [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 This is undoubtedly a burgeoning source of work for the fledgling personal injury practice .
2 Herein lay a grave source of weakness for the attempt of elected politicians to assert their right to take a greater share of power .
3 If the density increases upwards , then buoyancy forces provide an additional source of energy for the turbulence .
4 On the one hand , the protection of fundamental rights is an established source of law for the ECJ , so that this decision should perhaps not be taken to exclude the interpretation that the Directive places the decision on opting out in the hands of the workers themselves .
5 A second source of support for the idea of a generation gap in the DUP is found in the statements of embittered defectors or expellees .
6 ‘ B ’ movie fans will know that Wells Fargo 's stagecoaches proved a lucrative source of income for the less scrupulous members of the old West who made their living by robbing them .
7 Important as hut and poll taxes were to colonized people , the more lucrative source of revenue for the colonizers was taxing exports — raw materials and cash crops .
8 Clearly occasions such as this are much enjoyed by the public who attend and are a valuable source of publicity for the organisations taking part .
9 The card is a valuable source of income for the University , with every penny raised going towards refurbishment costs of a new students ' union .
10 The fact that coins are monetary objects issued by various authorities is what makes them such a valuable source of information for the historian .
11 The report gives further evidence that residential and nursing homes are an enormously important and valuable source of care for the elderly .
12 As she increasingly became a historical figure herself , people found her a fascinating source of history for the inter-war period .
13 Roland D-110 synthesiser module ‘ A very good source of sounds for the money , although it has its limitations .
14 After approximately ten hours of fasting , the body needs a good source of energy for the rigours of the day to come .
15 Gangsters have long been a good source of drama for the filmakers and there 's barely a star in Hollywood who has n't been ‘ mixed up ’ on screen with the mob at some point in his career .
16 There is a large amount of evidence ( summarized by Grundy , 1986 ) that it continues to be the major source of support for the elderly .
17 Since the discovery of significant gas reserves , this PSC has been a major source of gas for the LNG export business from the Bontang LNG plant .
18 This underlines the fact that tourism is a major source of income for the area and its 50,000 residents .
19 Klein 's suggestion was one major source of inspiration for the research that culminated in three papers in PNAS all reporting that chromosome 8 does indeed contain a proto-oncogene — a gene known as myc , after the myelocytomatosis virus in which it was discovered .
20 Birmingham Reference Library Among the many collections housed ( including the famous Shakespeare Library ) are business archives — the Boulton and Watt archive is a major source of reference for the history of the Industrial Revolution ; the Assay Office Collection relates to the Mint and the Midlands toy and silver trades — and the more general local studies department has a fine collection of maps and seals .
21 A major source of charity for the unemployed were the ad hoc funds raised by public subscription , such as the Lord Mayor of London 's Mansion House funds , opened regularly in times of exceptional distress .
22 These are a major source of definition for the sample before c. 160-170 , ( and remain an element in the development of designs after this period ) .
23 despite television being overwhelmingly the major source of news for the general public , audience perceptions of the news and as to what the strike was all about differed considerably .
24 A second major source of infection for the very young animal is the reservoir of larvae in the tissues of their dams and this may lead to clinical strongyloidiasis in foals and piglets in the first weeks of life .
25 A legacy from Flying Officer D J L Andrews , who had been a Flight Engineer on Stirling and Lancaster aircraft and who remembered Sussexdown in his will , provided a major source of funds for the project .
26 The fish of the Pantanal form a major source of food for the local population .
27 Thereafter his close relationship with Britten proved a powerful source of inspiration for the composer ; a vast quantity of music — including thirteen operatic roles ( from Grimes to Gustav von Aschenbach in Death in Venice ( 1973 ) ) , song-cycles ( with piano and with orchestra ) , five canticles and solo parts in major choral works such at St Nicolas ( 1948 ) , Spring Symphony ( 1949 ) and War Requiem ( 1961 ) was composed specifically for Pears .
28 The papers of the Lord Chancellor 's Department which are open to inspection in the Public Record Office are therefore a valuable but under-used source of information for the study of recent political and social history , public administration and law .
29 Local authorities , particularly where there is a policy of selling off land previously compulsorily acquired ( for example , for housing and schools ) , often form a useful source of land for the developer .
30 In the third place peasant correspondents in particular looked as if they would be a useful source of information for the central authorities on dissatisfaction in the countryside and on the rising influence of peasant types not in favour with the party .
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