Example sentences of "[adj] degree of [noun] to the " in BNC.

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1 The importance of according a proper degree of independence to the adult child is one of these .
2 With so much data being reported for so many pollutants and with the news media and control agencies employing diverse terms to describe air quality , some degree of confusion to the public is inevitable .
3 Although the government suggested that it was prepared to offer some degree of autonomy to the island , the prospect of losing the tax revenue from the mine , together with the potential effect upon other provinces within the country 's ethnically diverse structure , suggested that the government would be unprepared to accept BRA 's stated aim of full independence .
4 Devolution may in due course come to Northern Ireland , but before it arrives do not the Government have it in their power , at a stroke , to restore some degree of democracy to the people of Ulster by establishing a Select Committee ?
5 It is usually beneficial for organisations whose activities involve some degree of risk to the public to establish two–way communication on the issues .
6 Therefore , this region may confer some degree of specialization to the protein , in terms of cellular location and/or tissue specificity .
7 The commendation reads : ‘ A difficult rescue was carried out at a high degree of risk to the crew .
8 Firstly , Naville argues , like Joan Woodward , that automation allows a high degree of autonomy to the system of social organisation of the plant .
9 Equity providers will back management teams because of the strength of character and entrepreneurial skills of their members , who , as a general rule , will : ( a ) have a high degree of commitment to the new business ; ( b ) have strong entrepreneurial instincts ; ( c ) have confidence in their ability to take control of the business and run it without the assistance of inter-group services ; ( d ) be able to take personal risks without adverse effect on their decision making ; ( e ) have the strength of character to cope with the frustrations and successes of the negotiation process ; ( f ) be few in number and therefore able to make decisions quickly ; ( g ) have strong family support .
10 If Lord Eldon used any language which could be so interpreted , we must conclude that he either did not guard himself so cautiously as he intended , or that he did not lend that degree of attention to the legal doctrine connected with the case before him , which he was accustomed to afford .
11 Administrators also reacted with less than a becoming degree of sympathy to the problems of neighbouring agricultural peoples whose population was outstripping their resources in land .
12 But that was before the murder of the Bulgarian Georgi Markov , in exactly such a fashion , added a great degree of plausibility to the theory .
13 There is no doubt that major changes are underway in higher education involving a substantial degree of devolution to the colleges for course design and assessment .
14 But the advent of the Nationalists , though hard to analyse , did suggest that there were votes to be won or lost , at least in Scotland and Wales , on the public 's sense of remoteness from decision-taking or its lack of knowledge of the existing degree of devolution to the Scottish and Welsh Offices and on the general confusion as to which body was responsible for what .
15 Rival small company market(s) could develop along the above lines and would provide a considerable degree of competition to the ISE .
16 While the particular experiences shaping these perceptions may vary , there is also a considerable degree of similarity to the objective situation in which many disabled people find themselves as they age .
17 Not all members of staff in this department of thirteen felt the same degree of commitment to The Machine Gunners as a class reader .
18 Certainly , but there was a particular status to be gained by the family in employing so many ; it also gave a certain degree of importance to the corpse itself .
19 The responsibility of the issuing house ( usually one of the main merchant banks , a member of the Accepting Houses Association ) is to ensure all the funds are raised , and as cheaply and efficiently as possible , with a minimum degree of risk to the company .
20 Furthermore , this ‘ coolness ’ is carried over into a somewhat dull performance of the final movement Precipitato — I can certainly think of several lesser mortals who bring a greater degree of excitement to the music than does Gavrilov .
21 Social work practice with these families should concentrate on constructing a framework of security from the matching stage onwards , and this must mean delegating the maximum degree of responsibility to the new family to do things their way which the law allows .
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