Example sentences of "[adj] deal of [noun] about the " in BNC.

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1 The apparent failure of the English to contain the Irish reveals a great deal of weakness about the English in Spenser 's eyes .
2 In short , statistics relating to old people are presented in such a way as to spread a great deal of gloom about the future , not only for the old themselves but for society at large .
3 At the time of the revolution there was a great deal of speculation about the Ceauşescus ' wealth which , it was often claimed , had been stashed away in Swiss banks .
4 The first formal talks between the USA and Vietnam on Cambodia were held at the UN on Aug. 6 , leading to a great deal of speculation about the lifting of the US-led trade embargo on Vietnam and eventual normalization of US-Vietnamese relations .
5 There is a great deal of misunderstanding about the operation of a lien , general or special , under English law .
6 In detail there might be a great deal of discussion about the institutional arrangements necessary to responsible government , but in general some are obvious .
7 We have built up a great deal of knowledge about the historical side of the palaces but that has not been presented to the public . ’
8 A great deal of gossip about the village and its inhabitants had thus come her way , from every direction .
9 There has been a great deal of debate about the collection and use of these .
10 The number of day hospitals run by health services and day centres provided by local authorities and voluntary organizations has grown slowly but steadily over the last forty years , although there remains a great deal of confusion about the purposes of day care , and professionals from different services have differing expectations and aims .
11 In the public sector there is a great deal of uncertainty about the assumptions implicit in budgets .
12 The many political changes in policy in 1988 has created a great deal of uncertainty about the future administration of classes .
13 Probably even more than action there was a great deal of talk about the techniques of sex , its joys , its malfunctions and inhibitions and how to overcome them .
14 Despite a great deal of talk about the Foundation moving emphasis away from operating systems towards its Distributed Computing and Distributed Management Environments , DCE and DME , Reilly claimed that the number of OSF/1 binaries shipped this year — set at 100,000 — would be doubled next year .
15 And the birth control pill is an interesting example because it brings out the controversy and misunderstanding which there can be , because for many many years there was a great deal of talk about the risks from the birth control pill .
16 The surveys carried out by the Royal Botanic Garden , Edinburgh ( 1983,1984 and 1985 ) , contain a great deal of information about the plants in lochs from South Uist to Lewis .
17 Clothes , too , although essentially intended to protect from the elements , provide a great deal of information about the wearer .
18 Although such studies give a great deal of information about the memory for individual arousing slides , they may be unrepresentative of normal situations .
19 Thus it seemed clear that the lexical representation used for matching should already include a great deal of information about the word 's possible phonetic realisations .
20 " What is it made of ? " and " How was it made ? " are far better starting points and can lead on to the extraction of a great deal of information about the people and the society that produced it .
21 The problems noted above are intensified for the management of stock revision programmes ; these are carried out by staff who are either subject specialists or who have in the course of the stock revision acquired a good deal of knowledge about the subject literature — certainly more than the line manager .
22 The project document continues with a good deal of detail about the erosion works , areas to be covered by different treatments , and the expected benefits .
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