Example sentences of "[adj] amount of [noun] from the " in BNC.

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1 Barth travels far and wide through the Bible , from Genesis to Revelation , and digests , criticises , and re-states a vast amount of material from the previous history of Christian thought , and from contemporary discussion — much of this in lengthy pages of tiny print , which readers are sometimes relieved to discover can be passed over without loss of the main drift ( though it should be said that some of the finest passages are to be found in the small print ) .
2 Thank you very much well it 's always a pleasure to hear of about the Seamanship Foundation and I 'm sure that , as you might be saying , and er the need for the foundation 's fundraising will be rather heightened this year as a result of last year 's drop but I 'm equally sure that you will get a tremendous amount of support from the members and on that note which I think is er also is an important method of concentrating our priorities and on the basis of we 're extremely lucky to be able to pursue a really very enjoyable pastime with relatively few problems and that if we can get those opportunities to many more , who would otherwise not be able to enjoy and in fact frequently do n't get to enjoy any other pastime , we should endeavour to do so and consider ourselves lucky that we can .
3 With Lucinda Green 's enthusiasm , the 12 of us involved raised £80,000 this year , and ended up taking over 40 tonnes of supplies , with a tremendous amount of support from the ‘ horsy fraternity ’ .
4 With amniocentesis , the cells are found in a small amount of the amniotic fluid withdrawn from around the baby , while chorionic villus sampling involves removing a tiny amount of tissue from the developing placenta earlier on in pregnancy .
5 The Home Secretary is receiving a disproportionate amount of attention from the press for the action that he has taken .
6 To clear himself he would have to implicate his young brother in the embezzlement of a large amount of money from the family business , it would break his mother 's heart .
7 The homoeopathic doctor needs to obtain a large amount of information from the patient which requires a longer consultation time .
8 The latest raid came on Thursday night when thieves made off with a substantial amount of money from the dispensing machine at Lloyds Bank in Skinnergate , Darlington .
9 THIEVES have got away with a substantial amount of cash from the main branch of Lloyds Bank in Darlington .
10 SID , Joe Sixpack , Mrs Watanabe — call them what you will , modest private investors are getting an extraordinary amount of attention from the world 's big stockmarkets .
11 ‘ Some months ago I was convicted of embezzling a considerable amount of money from the company I share with my brother .
12 He carried out some work for the Duke of Buccleuch at Dalkeith Palace in 1828 and , from then onwards , he obtained a considerable amount of work from the Duke .
13 The anticipation of having to respond to a considerable amount of interest from the colleges , and of the ‘ fair amount of time ’ the interactions would take , both proved to be accurate .
14 After World War II , the motor car had a significant impact on the travelling public , and lorries and buses took a considerable amount of business from the railway , so it was inevitable that the railway management , casting a critical eye over branch line expenditure , however scenic , considered most of these rural lines as financially unviable .
15 And as well as the expertise of House of Fraser 's fashion buyers Ann Millsom , Sally Baggott and Simon Thomas , he gets an enormous amount of input from the public because of the very popular Clothes Show
16 A 96-pin hedgehog device is used to transfer a small amount of culture from the culture dish to the wells of the PCR dish .
17 The past decade has seen an increasing amount of guidance from the departments of health and social security about the need for adequate discharge policies .
18 Perhaps she 'd heard on the college grapevine that Barney had been getting an undue amount of visits from the police and was rejoicing that the heat was off her beloved Rodney .
19 The net effect is that the total amount of energy from the Sun available to the Earth is reduced a little , so that the globe as a whole becomes slightly cooler .
20 At first you may need several trials to get the right amount of heating from the bulb .
21 Port Glasgow and Leith , the main centres of trade , were the ports with the best-paid officers , but equally , they would also require the greatest amount of work from the incumbents , who would be much more under the eye of the supervisory staff based at Edinburgh , which might well make a less well-paid , but remote , port more attractive to the more independent officers .
22 During our ‘ inspection tour ’ I had heard a fair amount of noise from the garden , and now Miss Sowerby announced , ‘ There 's half a dozen patients , Doctor , including one who 's hurt his head badly . ’
23 She also had a fair amount of assistance from the older children .
24 But the south and west also receive a fair amount of rain from the north-east monsoon .
25 The iron melts , picking up the correct amount of carbon from the coke , and runs out of the tap-hole at the bottom . ’
26 Secondly , the third-floor accommodation , lit only by the small clerestory windows of the nave ( composed of shallower paired lancets ) , managed to obtain the necessary amount of daylight from the glazing being placed at the rear of the original traceried stonework where the splayed internal window-revels generate an area exposed to daylight which is larger than the window area seen from outside ( Fig 46 ) .
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