Example sentences of "[adj] secretary of [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Does he agree that there is pressure to extend the excellent scheme and not — as suggested by the would-be Secretary of State for Health for Scotland — to abolish it ?
2 I saw how Leon Brittan , the incoming Secretary of State for Trade , was prepared to say he could find nothing wrong with the matter .
3 Above Pioneer woman passenger Lady Maude Hoare , her husband ( then British Secretary of State for Air ) and son watch a Blackburn ‘ Iris ’ Flying-boat skimming the waves in about 1925 .
4 The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army , Grand Duke Nicholas , then appealed to Field Marshal Lord Kitchener , British Secretary of State for War .
5 All the old Heathites , save for Peter Walker ( a highly individualist and most effective leftish Secretary of State for Wales ) were on the back-benches .
6 In Britain , for example , John Moore , Financial Secretary to the Treasury ( and later Secretary of State for Transport ) in the 1983 Conservative government , argued that
7 When he presented a new Kwik-Cricket set to the Barbadian Secretary of State for Education , the minister promptly moved desks , bookshelves and even delayed leaving for a cabinet meeting so that he could play the game in his office .
8 Plans for the creation of 20 CTCs by 1990 were announced by Kenneth Baker , the then Secretary of State for Education and Science , at the Conservative Party conference in October 1986 .
9 In that year the Education Act , piloted by the then Secretary of State for Education , Margaret Thatcher , came into force , placing the responsibility for the schooling of all mentally handicapped children with the local education authorities .
10 The main reason for the first three failures to carry the Bill through Parliament was that the then Secretary of State for Education , George Kekewich , objected to the clauses in the Bill whereby it was not compulsory for local authorities to make any provision for the education of deaf children in their area .
11 As is now well known , the thrust and outline of the proposed reforms were announced by Mr Kenneth Clarke , the then Secretary of State for Education and Science in a speech to the North of England Education Conference in early January and by way of a consultation document at the end of that month .
12 Not that the binary system was a creation of the government for , as the then Secretary of State for Education , Anthony Crosland , observed in a speech in 1967 , ‘ I did not invent the plural or binary system which we inherited … .
13 As flagship of the quartet , N185 carried aboard the then Secretary of State for Air , Sir Samuel Hoare .
14 That point was elaborated upon by the then Secretary of State for Scotland , the right hon. and learned Member for Edinburgh , Pentlands ( Mr. Rifkind ) who now runs — or rather does not run — our railway system .
15 Unfairly , the Scottish domestic ratepayer was badly hit and , in the area near to the constituency of the then Secretary of State for Scotland , the right hon. Member for Ayr ( Mr. Younger ) , the majority were Conservative voters .
16 In November 1985 the then Secretary of State for Wales , Nicholas Edwards , now Lord Crickhowell , commissioned studies into the feasibility , costs and benefits of a barrage between Penarth dock and Cardiff docks .
17 In December 1986 Mr Norman Fowler , the then Secretary of State for Health and Social Security , initiated a review of community care chaired by Roy Griffiths .
18 And the then Secretary of State for Health , Kenneth Clarke was involved in that his department granted the authorizations .
19 Four years ago , I argued with the then Secretary of State for Health and Social Security about the Fowler review , which led to cuts in income support .
20 In 1984 Norman Tebbit , the then Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , said : ‘ I regard merger policy as an important part of the government 's general policy of promoting competition within the economy in the interest of the consumer and efficiency and hence of growth and jobs . ’
21 The then Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , Lord Young , decided that there were no grounds for referring the bid to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ; nor were there any grounds for referring the Suchard holding in Rowntree , which had , by that time , been increased to 29.9 per cent .
22 It is nearly a year and a half since David Howell , the then Secretary of State for Energy , announced that Sir Frank would be the inspector at the public inquiry into the plans of the Central Electricity Generating Board to build a pressurised-water reactor ( PWR ) at Sizewell in Suffolk , and there has been a veritable deluge of documentation from all sides in the past 18 months , giving Sir Frank more than enough preliminary reading .
23 Peter Walker , the then Secretary of State for Energy , claimed :
24 The then Secretary of State for Energy , Cecil Parkinson , ruled out the creation of a private monopoly .
25 The Court of Appeal in London ruled on April 27 , 1990 , that John McCann , Martina Shanahan and Finbar Cullen , known as the " Winchester Three " , should be immediately released from the prison sentence of 25 years imposed upon each of them at Winchester Crown Court in October 1988 , following their convictions on charges of conspiring to murder Tom King , the then Secretary of State for Northern Ireland .
26 The present Secretary of State for Employment saw the poll tax legislation through its Committee stage ; perhaps he too will apologise .
27 ‘ We have an admirable Prime Minister [ scattered applause ] , a great Foreign Secretary [ no discernible applause ] and an inspired Secretary of State for Trade and Industry . ’
28 Perhaps the current Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , and the current Secretary of State for Wales — both of whom were responsible for the implementation of that legislation — will do the same .
29 In 1965 Anthony Crossland , the Labour Secretary of State for Education , issued Circular 10/65 which requested those local authorities which had not already done so to submit to him their proposals for the reorganisation of their secondary schools along comprehensive lines .
30 In June 1976 the Labour Secretary of State for Education and Science issued Tameside a directive to proceed with comprehensive reorganization on the grounds that to do otherwise at such a late stage would be unreasonable .
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