Example sentences of "[adj] set of [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They are driven by an altogether broader set of changes in the conditions under which information is circulated and exchanged as a commodity .
2 The atomic polarisation acts as a source term in the Maxwell equation : We thus have , within the limits of the approximations made , a complete , self-consistent set of equations for the evolution of the field-atom system , subject to appropriate boundary conditions .
3 The Passio records a peculiar set of appointments in the 660s .
4 This means that the accounting principles adopted must have an acceptable degree of objectivity in the sense that any accountant would produce an acceptable set of accounts from the same data .
5 Strip off the longest set of letters from the end of the word which matches a ( usually small ) set of standard suffixes .
6 We 'll skip over the next verses for a few moments ; let's turn to another set of pages of the newspaper to see the message from the foreign correspondents about alliances — verses 14 to 19 .
7 Another set of problems at the level of institutional approval was created for the CNAA by the decision of the University of London to run down its external degrees , and the CNAA 's agreement to take up the reins where possible and appropriate .
8 Phillipson identifies another set of problems for the government 's family care policies .
9 Another set of hatches by the back wall of the building , when opened sent more water spuming under the mill to reappear in the wide pond to the front .
10 At this stage , yet another set of variations in the cuckoo 's virtuoso repertoire of adaptations comes into play .
11 As a result , agents of the owner , who happen to be former principals of Sotheby 's , arranged for the procurement of another set of licenses from the Lebanon ’ .
12 With these intriguing and utterly uncategorisable singles behind her , Shut Up And Dance 's only female artist was tipped to bring another set of accolades for the hardcore/ragga-oriented label with her debut album .
13 Just as the Fourier transform defined by equation ( 11.11 ) involves analysing the signal F(t) in terms of an infinite set of imaginary exponential terms , that is , in terms of infinite sets of sine and cosine waves , so the Laplace transform defined by equations ( 11.18 ) and ( 11.19 ) corresponds to analysing the signal in terms of an infinite set of functions of the form where s is complex .
14 A simple , relevant , and attainable set of goals for the management of acute asthma attacks in the community and in hospital is clearly needed .
15 Since Satyagraha ( 1980 ) was in Sanskrit it posed a different set of problems for the singer than Einstein in which there were no words at all ( other than spoken monologues ) , the text being composed of numbers and solfege syllables ( do , re , mi etc ) .
16 The even greater increase in the availability of textuality made possible by the digital revolution , combined with the facilities it allows for altering , merging , and adding to already written texts , presents a related but different set of problems to the novelist .
17 It is worth noting , a point that Adobe stress heavily , that these colours are created using a very different set of rules to the way printing inks actually created .
18 But words , acquired slowly over a lifetime , are part of a different set of perceptions of the world , they have grown with us , they restrict what we see and how we see it .
19 As Bosanquet ( 1983 ) points out , this in itself suggests that the relationship between demand and need is not as close as some New Right economists believe , and in any case introduces a very different set of arguments about the relative advantages and disadvantages of both systems .
20 The importance of this approach is to suggest that it is perceptions that are important and depending on how the management views the worker then a different style of management will develop and a different set of relationships between the management and the workforce will exist .
21 Assessment and recording unmet need gives a very clear set of goals for the care manager :
22 The following pages describe an exciting and comprehensive set of resources for the busy teacher , with materials specially designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of teaching contexts and approaches .
23 The Report included indeed a comprehensive set of proposals for the prevention of child and adult ill-health .
24 In this system one individual worker , employed by an agency responsible for community care services , is appointed to assess the needs of an individual client , plan a comprehensive set of services for the individual , coordinate the various services and follow up the individual 's progress over time .
25 The SEA is basically a limited set of changes to the Treaty of Rome which allows for majority voting in the Council of Ministers in areas connected to establishing the Internal Market , and also has some rather vague references to EMU , Political Union and other policy areas such as the environment .
26 The USSR 's central federal structure of legislative and executive bodies — Congress of People 's Deputies , Supreme Soviet and government organs — was paralleled by a similar set of institutions at the republic level .
27 The formula must apply a consistent set of criteria for the allocation of the ASB to schools .
28 Each aircraft will be acting as an extra set of eyes for the other in an attempt to see before being seen .
29 There is a standard set of terms for the conduct of an arbitration .
30 A typical set of collocates for the word ’ mortgage ’ could be :
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