Example sentences of "[adj] period was [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The result throughout this period was a continuous struggle between republican and Orangist groups and an uneasy oscillation of power between them .
2 His first and most spectacular project in this period was the new Antrim coast road of 1832–7 , which involved much blasting and tunnelling in the cliffs between Larne and Ballycastle .
3 The most significant development in this period was the profound shift in attitudes towards the State : against the exercise of public control and more sympathetic towards the operation of the free market .
4 One of the last examples for this period was the conscious creation of a further naval base at Granville , in western Normandy , called the ‘ clef du pays par mer et par terre ’ by Charles VII in the charter by which he granted privileges to those who would come to settle there to keep it for the good of France .
5 Noteworthy also during this period was the growing number of inter-republic contacts , treaties and agreements bypassing central control .
6 The chief mark of that period was a new confidence in the power of reason , as opposed to acceptance of authority , to discover truth : we find things out , not simply by believing what someone else tells us , but by considering the evidence , reflecting upon it , and accepting what can ‘ prove itself at the bar of reason ’ .
7 Edgar Gillet , who at that period was an interesting painter , recalls that he lost practically all of his friends to other , and easier , artistic disciplines .
8 As the ITVA 's rules on comparative whiteness claims in detergent ads have tightened , the ( by now ) several Persil products have not always been able to use this theme , but its development over such a long period was an astonishing piece of consistency by client management and virtuosity by the agency .
9 Nov 23 1985 Debate rages over whether this notorious period was an intellectual renaissance or indulgo-dilettante ego-tossery .
10 Spurs ' best effort in the first period was a 25-yard shot from Gray just beyond the far post , though Samways tested Rees with a low effort from the left .
11 The discovery of an effect with such a long latent period was no mean feat of epidemiology .
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