Example sentences of "[adj] use [prep] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Complimentary use of tennis court for all Citalia guests .
2 After a protracted investigation — ranging from Mr Hunt 's improper use of state aircraft for preaching tours , to his handling of political finances — a jury last week found him guilty of siphoning $100,000 from an inaugural fund into his own account .
3 Solar heating does come into its own for the fairly specialised use of heating water for swimming pools and can make a contribution to heating the domestic hot water .
4 The new law immediately sparked off a political crisis as hardline Slovak nationalists began demonstrations and a hunger strike in protest against a clause allowing the official use of minority languages in towns or villages where the minority nationality formed at least 20 per cent of the population ( a large ethnic Hungarian minority , concentrated in southern Slovakia , was increasingly the target of nationalist hatred ; there were also Polish , Ukrainian and Gypsy communities ) .
5 In particular the chaos of the media ; where Front 242's use of TV images of terrorism and catastrophe was as a backdrop to their own survivalist strength , with Butthole Surfers it 's more the case , as David Stubbs said , that they 've fallen foul of the media overload , are carried by a momentum that is not their own .
6 We have already touched upon the significance of compact discs and their increasingly standard use as storage media in multimedia systems .
7 Since the widespread use of insulin therapy during the 1920s , macrovascular disease has become the major cause of morbidity and mortality in the diabetic subject in both the UK and USA ( Entmacher et al , 1964 ; Marble , 1976 ; Tunbridge , 1981 ) .
8 Such firms strive , though not always successfully , to inculcate feelings of membership of a global family among their mainly female employees through company magazines , competitions related to work and non-work activities , and widespread use of company logos on small gifts and prizes ( see Fuentes and Ehrenreich , 1984 ) .
9 The water closet had been patented in 1775 but the widespread use of water carriage for sewage needed abundant water supply and good leakproof glazed drains .
10 Does widespread use of ROI lead to poor corporate strategies ?
11 I would argue , however , that there is a difference between what one might consider to be reasonable use by passenger traffic during the day , and the disturbances that might arise from that , and the use of the line at night by heavy goods traffic .
12 Keogan et al studied 2017 patients referred for chest radiography and recommended more selective use of chest radiography through the application of selection guidelines .
13 Starting with the creation of the German night fighter force the author makes good use of eyewitness accounts from former Luftwaffe pilots , and goes on to portray a vivid account of what life was like serving on a night fighter unit .
14 Malawi can make good use of mountain water by piping supplies under gravity to lowland settlements , at a cost of £3 per person .
15 We will make good use of agency flexibilities in meeting our targets , and deliver programmes and services cost-effectively through a unified local office network .
16 We will make good use of agency flexibilities in meeting our targets , and deliver programmes and services cost-effectively through a unified local office network .
17 The Course , fields and module leaders make frequent use of student feedback for comparison .
18 This project aims to investigate the scale , scope , objectives and consequences of current use of employment contracts in managing change and performance .
19 Nevertheless , the positive attitudes towards SSE which are associated with teachers ' contact with the booklet augur well for its continued use for review purposes by Solihull schools .
20 The increased use of credit cards in recent years has reduced both the transactions and precautionary demands .
21 Recordings of gastric electrical control activity made from surface electrodes have been shown to correlate well with mucosal recordings , and this together with improvements in detection methods and their wider availability has led to increased use of surface electrogastrography in the investigation of gastrointestinal symptoms .
22 Those who have little in-house capability make least use of consultancy services in all fields .
23 Before leaving the discussion of whether DCF is relevant , a brief reference should be made to the possible use of option-pricing theory as a basis for valuing corporate strategies ( see Logue , 1981 ) .
24 There is also evidence , as we have mentioned before and shall see in the next chapter , of the extensive use of air sacs in sauropods as cooling devices and for reducing mass .
25 The Library of Congress subject headings make extensive use of subject subdivisions as a means of combining a number of different concepts in a single heading .
26 The project makes extensive use of census data for 1961 , 1971 and 1981 , the OPCS 1% sample longitudinal survey 1971-81 and social survey research in selected areas of London .
27 For this reason , as Ashton and Sykes pointed out , extensive use of child labour in a high ratio to adult male labour underground was a function of technical progress and most marked in the more advanced fields .
28 Entitled The Separation of Private Practice from NHS Hospitals , it repeated her commitment to legislate to withdraw pay beds and the private use of outpatient facilities from the NHS .
29 Her consultative paper provided for withdrawal of the private use of outpatient facilities from NHS hospitals as well .
30 ACCA highlighted measures concerning the private use of company vans as an example. ; They also criticised the lack of adequate time for consultation .
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