Example sentences of "[adj] claim to [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Such terms are often found to be more-or-less transferable from one problem to another , and so have some claim to significance beyond the level of the particular problem in which they were derived .
2 Another claim to fame by the village is that it is the birthplace of authoress Winifred Holtby , who sadly died in 1935 at the age of 37 and is buried in the churchyard here .
3 Midshipman Callender 's friends no doubt were aware that efficiency united to interest was the strongest claim to promotion in the navy , and Lord Keith 's correspondence abounds in references to interest being a motive in bringing a man forward in the service : ‘ I have made McKenzie a lieutenant into the Rattlesnake ; he was a friend of Mr. Dunsmuress and recommended by Lord Elphinstone to me , so I am glad to have served him ’ , a comment which suggests that the admiral was influenced by something more than Mr. McKenzie 's personal abilities .
4 In Northern Nigeria power did remain in the hands of the Residents , because they possessed historical claims to legitimacy as the standard-bearers of Indirect Rule — a point always emphasized by Palmer in his dealings with junior officers — and because they were linked with the top men in a congeries of feudal autocracies .
5 The LTA 's principal claim to fame at the end of 1992 will be the same as it is now — the richest tennis organisation in the world .
6 The transfer project , conducted between 1953 and 1955 , was designed to establish settlements on the barren islands in order to assist Canadian claims to sovereignty over the region .
7 Although it was not appreciated at the time when the Japanese swept away the administration , the power and the remaining claims to sovereignty of the French in Indochina , the Second World War in Asia had entered its final six months .
8 It would seem to commemorate a humble farmer and his wife , truly two of Thomas Gray 's flowers ‘ born to blush unseen ’ , but that is far from correct for Barbra Gilmor is a character in the story of Ayrshire 's heritage , a woman with a unique claim to fame in the annals of the county .
9 In the long term the crowning of Charles by Leo III led to an increasing papal claim to power over the imperial ruler of the West , but short-term benefits to Charles were clear .
10 However — with the loss of Jordanian sovereignty — until the United States accepts the Palestinian claim to sovereignty over the occupied territories , Resolution 242 is bound to remain bereft of meaning , since there is no US-recognized state to which the West Bank and Gaza can be returned .
11 Roy has two claims to attention in the Palace records .
12 Higher education in Britain has required special forms of organization designed to take into account the fact that many colleges serve more that the local authority area in which they are based , and to acknowledge the special claims to autonomy of the universities .
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