Example sentences of "[adj] upon a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To render the applicability of natural justice dependent upon a prior classification of the above type would have its utility in greater certainty and predictability : if a case fell within one category certain results would follow ; if it fell in a different category differing results would ensue .
2 Government Departments can , however , under the Crown Proceedings Act 1947 , be sued for the recovery of property , for breach of an ordinary commercial contract , but not for that of a contract of service , a contract dependent upon a future grant of money by parliament , nor , it seems , one in which the Crown purports to fetter its own future executive action , or for a tort .
3 In his first independent act as king he established his authority on a sure foundation and revealed both a sound political judgement and a determination not to allow himself to be dependent upon a small group of powerful nobles .
4 For even the most primitive practices are dependent upon a certain amount of theory , and even the most ‘ theoretical ’ activities can only take place within practices .
5 Whereas word recognition is dependent upon a flexible use of a number of subskills , principally rapid visual processing and the selective use of phonological decoding as circumstances demand it , word production is more dependent upon the inflexible use of specific linguistic subskills .
6 On the other hand British claims that the Americans had come to recognize the folly of their conduct in the Suez crisis depend as usual upon a simplistic interpretation of American policy from 1951 , and ignore the fact that in 1958 the intruding powers were able to work with — not against — the grain of local politics .
7 They acknowledged that if emancipation were eventually to come it would require the moral progress and demographic increase consequent upon a conscious policy of a more equal sex ratio amongst slaves ; education and religious instruction ; the reorganisation of the work of the slaves to provide a progressive increase in the time devoted to autonomous labour from which earnings could be directed to self-purchase ; possibly too recognition of obligations to the former master even after the date of legal emancipation .
8 However , these outcomes are contingent upon a supportive infrastructure of values , processes and skills which integrate what the school exists to do with appropriate management strategies which are carried out by individuals with relevant skills and personal qualities .
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