Example sentences of "[adj] type of [noun] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Even if but I 'm not saying that it 's er the proper type of training that we would like to s
2 In 1939 , when war was imminent , he feared he would be unable to face the Wellsian type of disaster that he imagined was to come .
3 The mighty Grand Hotel of 1863 and the rows of Victorian terraces tell of a different type of resort when it became Yorkshire 's equivalent to Lancashire 's Blackpool .
4 He was a different type of skater but he did plenty of modern lip stuff including backside smith stop to fakie , and much other to-fakie weirdness .
5 ‘ We are trying to play a different type of game and it 's taking time for some of the players to get used to it .
6 Well I 've desi I 've got a special form for it Mhm yeah right okay and we well this is this is a different type of form and it needs it we need it more specific .
7 I , er I was gon na spring another type of love because we all spend a lot of money on it , the love of pets of animals
8 Sheers would present a problem at this type of window unless they are fixed onto the top and bottom of the pivoting window-frame on rods or wire .
9 The remainder of this chapter will investigate this type of system as it operated in the international economy from the Second World War until 1973 .
10 The term saprolite is given to this type of regolith and it reflects the operation of isovolumetric weathering , that is , weathering accomplished without any change in volume .
11 Populations of these species may not be able to tolerate this type of predation because they have evolved in the absence of ground-based predators .
12 Remember also , that a licence may be required to use this type of device since it is not handheld — if in doubt , consult your local water company .
13 There is also very little likelihood that you will achieve true friendships through this type of club as they seem to cater mostly for people who want to make one-night stands .
14 It is very difficult to produce this type of game but I am asking my players to do it .
15 So every one in a thousand key , might actually fit this type of lock but it 's highly unlikely .
16 Some students , nevertheless , prefer this type of accommodation because it is often more homely than college hall .
17 They just are n't willing to pay for this type of product as it takes to long to film . ’
18 A Director will cast this type of actress because he knows that is the kind of personality he wants brought out in this character , and he can rely on that actress to give just such a performance .
19 ‘ More and more women are considering this type of career because it does offer equal opportunities .
20 Drawing packages are just not suitable for this type of job because they work with outlines .
21 A profoundly deaf therapist said : ‘ I do feel that if I did n't have this type of job where I 'm meeting different people every day I would withdraw very quickly into myself . ’
22 Again , I would bypass this type of gear because it 's too much of a compromise for me .
23 On the cluster erm not having in fact had any erm work on this type of thing before I did n't realise that holding a paper could close you down and in fact without moving my feet I was n't getting movement I was just static and with no use of the hands you were to express yourself sufficiently .
24 And I think well what do they put in this type of thing and it really was n't that good was it ?
25 ‘ Now they 're older , it 's not really any easier , there 's just different types of problems as they need to be here , there and everywhere after school . ’
26 Yeah and especially on the fractions and the different types of fractions but you just find o found out what makes ninety have n't you ?
27 Because you 're going to need different procedures on different projects , and you 're going to need different degrees of checking , and different degrees of emphasis on the different types of project that you get .
28 The tree is an ideal site for integrating different types of information because it provides the interface between the low level pattern recognition process and higher level linguistic processes .
29 So we need people with different personalities and different types to be within that within any group for a group to be very successful you need some sort of share of the different types of group if you had a predominance of shapers you 'd get nowhere .
30 Arthur Pearcy 's book US Coast Guard Aircraft Since 1916 is a history of the Guard comprising detailed descriptions of over 90 different types of aircraft that they have operated over the years , coupled with information on the designation systems and the colours and markings used by this fifth military air arm of the United States .
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