Example sentences of "[adj] kind of [noun] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But it is an odd kind of belief that one accords to propositions one can not claim to know ; and Eliot 's talk of mental constructs , plainly an uncomfortable compromise in itself , sits oddly with his intense dogmatism about morality and public affairs .
2 And so in conclusion I looking at it and the exhibitions we 've made to you and to the county in the course of the consultation draft is that this county does not need this policy and that it is in fact an insidious and repressive kind of policy that it contrary to national planning guidance and should not be included in the alterations .
3 The best and easiest way to ensure that you get a large range of bricks and enough of each kind of brick that you need to build and repair your body cells , is to mix the protein foods you take in at each meal .
4 If you had that kind of function that you you know
5 Yeah , it 's exactly that kind of experience that I think has got me thinking about what I was saying before you came , well before we were just doing the coffee , about the idea of actually starting to draw , well I was calling contracts , but probably it 's more better called agreements , about you know , the theatre will do this , we will do that and
6 I never intended to imply that I would be the first artist to employ hanging cloth ( my use of Walter Benjamin necessitated for this kind of work that I block the aura of the collection and re-route it toward another kind of signification , as well as reference a museum 's depot ) but I am confident that anyone who has visited my installation comes away knowing what my contribution is .
7 When farmers and farm workers refer to the ‘ loss of community ’ in their village it is usually to this kind of change that they are implicitly referring , for there are bound to be changing patterns of sociability developing in the village to which they are unaccustomed or from which they feel excluded .
8 It is the first of this kind of thing that I have organised and I would like it to be a success .
9 It is in the nature of this kind of programme that it deals with several different topics , so the length of individual items is likely to be good for classroom use .
10 It is this kind of talk that we are calling ‘ argumentative talk , in which category we include exploratory talk .
11 So , pluralists argue that if those of economic wealth are not directly involved in public policy-making then this is some kind of proof that they lack political power , but if poorer people are not directly involved then it is suggested that they are satisfied and enjoy power because politicians will " anticipate " their concerns and they themselves possess the " potential " to organise for their own advantage .
12 Still , without returning on our tracks and urging the rigorist position ( that one must always do as much good as possible ) , there must be some kind of requirement that one do as little harm as possible , in terms of actual pain ( though not perhaps in terms of pleasure prevented ) in order to achieve the good one does .
13 At one point they came across a patch that was filled with every different kind of mushroom that they knew — white ones that grew like jagged clumps of coral , thick orange ones that oozed blue liquid when their stalks were broken , delicate saucer-shaped ones called ba uka , meaning bowl .
14 We 've got to sort of create the world , and so forth , and sort of run it , and so on , and , well , try to make some kind of , of , of sort of viable proposition of it , and all the rest of it , and it just seems to me that we can get better results if we treat the , if we treat the sort of , well , for want of a better word , the local inhabitants with a certain amount of , of , of respect , and , and , and trust , and and , if we help them , and and guide them , to the point where they can become sort of independent and sort of self-governing , within the framework of the free , well , of the free , sort of , well , of the , yes , free kind of system that we enjoy ourselves . ’
15 Just as astronomers sought for the pattern and the simple laws that must govern the movements of the stars and planets — making the world a real universe or cosmos , an ordered whole — so naturalists sought an arrangement which would make sense of all the different kinds of creatures that they found .
16 And er then there was er oak and then there was different kinds of woods that you used to could you know s er imitate , make them look like maybe er er walnut .
17 The 18 neighbours of an animal are the 18 different kinds of children that it can give rise to , and the 18 different kinds of parent from which it could have come , given the rules of our computer model .
18 ’ People still come up to me on the streets all the time and ask the most personal kind of questions that you 've ever heard in your life , like , ’ How could you do such-and such on screen ? '
19 Beware of finding yourself volunteering for all kinds of jobs that you do n't want to do .
20 Not bad , she thought with a fierce kind of glee that she knew she did n't dare to show .
21 So the distance makes something look rather fainter , and similarly if you have something like a particular kind of start that you can identify by some property — which we 'll perhaps talk about in a moment — if you can identify it and you know how bright it is , then the fainter ones are further away and you can estimate the distance by how faint they are .
22 I feel far mo , less sympathy and far less identification with her than I perhaps do with a male worker who has to cope with the same kind of exploitation that I do , day in , day out .
23 ‘ He 's okay , ’ Sandy said , in the same kind of tone that she 'd probably use to describe an indifferent sandwich .
24 So they have some of the same kind of problems that we have , but in a rather different form .
25 I mean it 's not , it 's not the same kind of thing that we 've got , it 's a different kind of relationship cos he 's a different kind of person
26 And yet in many respects it was just the same kind of Christmas that she and her family had always known back home in Scotland .
27 Thus , ME language states , being so variable , should in principle be suited to the same kind of analysis that we use in present-day social dialectology , and by using variationist methods we should be able to explore at least some of the constraints on variation that might have existed in ME .
28 And for me , it represents an opportunity to complete the kind of Freud-Darwin synthesis I 've been working on really , for the last ten years , and it kind of represents the completion of the synthesis , as it were now completely merged in my mind into a single , the single kind of entity that I , I know call psychoanalytic .
29 And I need the money to finance my , my climbing , and other kind of things that I do .
30 There are four main kinds of research that you will want to use : motivational research , opinion surveys , group discussions , panel research .
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