Example sentences of "[adj] sort of [noun] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No-o … these things are numbered and they 'll be cross-indexed to some sort of register of names .
2 David Mills , the erstwhile head of the Hazardous Chemical wing of Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution ( HMIP ) — and well known for his criticisms of the lack of effective policing of what he defends as largely sound rules — says that placing high-temperature incinerators in some sort of hierarchy of risks is ‘ a terribly subjective business . ’
3 This sort of interdependence of interests is a feature of the relations between industrialised countries ; having built a strong overseas market position , a country will be forced to take more account of external pressures if that strong position is to be maintained .
4 It is this sort of sequence of events that archaeologists attempt to unravel when trying to understand how sites and finds have become buried .
5 In that sort of countryside of hedgerows , orchards and narrow lanes , it was very difficult to assess where the shots were coming from .
6 If Thatcher ends up opposing that sort of modernisation of institutions , then she will deserve to be denounced as simply reactionary and perverse .
7 But that is quite impressive figures for us , I mean we 've never seen that sort of volumes of figures before , but erm over the last year or two I mean tour operators have worked far more closely with travel agents in promoting U K products .
8 Like , how do you know what goes on , like with , dolphins , with whales , with all sorts of species of animals , like we do n't know , well we 're so dense we can only see things like this !
9 they do all sorts of combinations of things in India combined to make their lifestyle different but they would , some people in
10 If you were to smooth out all the material there is in the universe into a uniform sort of sea of particles , you would find that the density was just about one atom in every cubic metre , which is far better than the best vacuum that you can ever make on earth by artificial means .
11 But they 've found similar temples in other parts of the world , the same sort of arrangement of stones , so they think this religion must have been everywhere once . ’
12 erm To what extent do you rely on measurements , as it were , and to what erm extent do you rely on actual observations , because it seems to me that there 's a , at least a possibility that you may have a whole sort of set of measurements that may indicate something 's going to happen , but if you actually stuck your head out of the window and looked up you could see it was actually raining instead of sunny ?
13 this last sort of couple of weeks has been
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