Example sentences of "fallen from the " in BNC.

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1 Sad that his country had fallen from the top of the European industrial league , to joint eighth out of nine , and bitter toward the foolish leaders who had been largely responsible for its decline .
2 When morning came , the Russian saw he had fallen from the ledge and was hanging upside down , his ice face and the rock face united in a carezza .
3 Westerners are beginning to do some cautious bargain-hunting among blue chips that have fallen from the three-figure earnings multiples of the 1980s to more reasonable ratings .
4 He saw ahead and to their left a wedge of earth fallen from the bank .
5 A rough scramble alongside leads up into the upper reaches of the beck ; here is an untidy tumble of boulders fallen from the enclosing heights but there is one gem where , just above the waterfall , the stream slides smoothly over an immense slab of naked limestone .
6 A final steep rise in the lane is littered by stones fallen from the walls ; these end suddenly to reveal a fine view of Ingleborough directly ahead , its massive dome seen across a wide depression occupied by the lonely dwelling of Crina Bottom in a walled enclosure among sheltering trees .
7 The collection from Kenya came from owls roosting in an old well at the ruined town of Gedi , an old Arab town now being reclaimed by coastal forest , and the owls were roosting on ledges where stone has fallen from the walls of the well .
8 After our half term holiday most of the leaves had fallen from the trees here and in the park .
9 She was part Mulholland on her mother 's side and she knew we had fallen from the middle class or , to be precise , that her mother had married down , even though she loved her father .
10 Nervously , he stepped into the room and walked around , crunching the broken plaster that had fallen from the crumbling ceiling .
11 The evidence actually tends to be ambiguous ( West 1969 ; Jones 1979b ) as indications of timberwork at the lip of the pit may be connected with the superstructure and planking in the base may have fallen from the walls or roof lining .
12 They must have fallen from the loft and hopped inside , and touched something in there that brought the rusty flap crashing down to entomb them .
13 Hari shook back a strand of hair that had fallen from the pins .
14 The dog-handled pot-lids from Mochlos , for example , seem to show a particular dog relaxing on a particular afternoon in the hot bronze age sunshine ; the crowds in the miniature frescoes seem alive with the excitement of the spectacle they are witnessing , and seem to have been caught mid-shout ; the hoopoes in the Pilgrim Hostel fresco seem at first glance to have fallen from the pages of some bronze age edition of Audubon .
15 So much so , that it has fallen from the 50 per cent standard of the 1930s , to less than 15 per cent in the late 1970s — which is no better , and in some areas far worse , than the standard already achieved before the First World War when the Probation Act of 1907 had hardly consolidated itself .
16 Bernice had obviously fallen from the ledge above her .
17 Before he could reach out and stab him as he planned , and then kill his companion too , and with support from his companions , seize the cannon himself , he heard a scream of pain behind him and realised that another of his fellow fighters had fallen from the ring fence on to the ground .
18 What I should perhaps point out here is that seventy percent of people who have fallen from the top of the falls have died in the process .
19 The women cut their own slices smaller than the men 's , as they were accustomed to do , though Rosalba picked at the crumbs fallen from the baking pan .
20 Stephen 's mother had n't fallen from the cliff-path in a gust of wind : she had been pushed by Stephen 's father .
21 Magic had fallen from the air .
22 The reinvestment return is 55.74 but the reinvestment risk is that on 15 February the 1-month rate will have fallen from the 9.25 per cent expected to , say , 8.75 per cent .
23 Capital investment has fallen from the abnormal peak in 1991 , when we acquired Petromed in Spain .
24 ‘ You seem to have fallen from the top of a Christmas tree , Fräulein , ’ he said spitefully .
25 As they climbed from the back of the ambulance Rachel was met by the foreman of that particular section , who informed her that the man had fallen from the top of the jig to the second section .
26 But following an all night drink and drugs party he was found close to the Bridge of Sighs … having fallen from the top floor of this house .
27 She had fallen from the hatch .
28 Lying on the floor was my one legged soldier , Sam , who had fallen from the shelf .
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